What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

Naked Necks! I have one rooster, Burt. He is the ugliest thing on the planet. Only has one eye because his eye got pecked when he was young. Now he is just a jumpy mess being bullied by a tiny frizzled cochin roo named Tom. (Which actually is a source of daily amusement for all of us!)

Oh! And I LOVE my bantam polish! Dumb and rocks but so stinkin cute I can't stand it.
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Wow, I feel out of place, lol. I have yet to find a breed that would make me say "never again" and I have all the breeds mentioned in this thread. I think they all have their own unique personalities and qualities so I just accept that and love them despite it lol
(puts on her bicycle helmet)

I won't have cuckoo marans again. Mine were just that. Cuckoo. They never liked me, always ran screaming from me, even as chicks! They were even scared and suspicious of treats that I put down for them. I tried everything...

My black copper marans are all my babies. I have 7 hens and two roos, one of which is blind in one eye. I can pick up any one of them even while they free range. The cuckoos could plainly see that I meant no chicken any harm, but they were all everyone no touchems. They sure laid some pretty, dark eggs though. But the cuckoo outweighed the pretty egg. I like my chickens mellow and friendly.
All this goes to show that one mans trash is another man's treasure. I don't have anything against RIR hens, but that rooster was MEAN. He met his demise when he flew at my cousin who just happened to have a good boot on him, and he kicked that mean old rooster one time when it flew at him. No funeral was given.

Someone mentioned silver laced wyandottes. Mine were some of my favorites. They were very calm docile birds, and the rooster was like an ever attentive watchdog over his hens. He didn't give a rip about the other hens in the yard.
Polish. Dumb dumb dumb birds. They are very docile but that makes them easily picked on from the rest of the other breeds in your flock. Maybe I would consider having nothing but Polish in a flock but don't mix them .
I will never have cuckoo marans again either! The rooster I had whom we named earl actually scared the heck out of me. I feared going into the yard without a helmet, knee pads, Sweat pants stuffed full of charmin, safety goggles and a big shovel in my hands. That son of a biscut was NUTS! He had a system down. I go out to do the daily chores and he would duck and hide behind trees, I would hear him and I turn around to look and see where he is only to see nothing. I turn by back and go on to what I was doing and he would come in for the kill. He ran up my back one day and flogged the heck out of the back of my head. If you bopped him with something he turned into the incredible hulk chicken and got even more agro always coming back for more. I still have nightmares....

I would also never own another silkie again, same with polish.
the hens are okay, but the roosters are MEAN! i am waiting to have him for thanksgiving dinner, or earlier

*they are from a hatchery, have not try brdder birds, yet.
Welsummers! Never ever again not even if they were the last chicken breed on earth. Mean feather plucking idiots.
What a fun thread to read.How funny the differences! I just started keeping chickens in July....and I LOVE my three polish although I will grant you they aren't the brightest. I have a cuckoo marans that is a delight-she is very calm and regal. I have a little bantam hen that was a hand-me-down-so cute. And a barred rock that is turning into a people chicken in spite of not being handled much before. The only chckens that I got rid of were black sex link hens. THose three were so freakin mean to the others...so off to a farm they went.

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