What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

Cornish- she was the meanest bird ever. Not to me, she ran from me like I was going to put her in a stew pot. I threatened to all the time. She picked on every bird relentlessly, and never accepted any of the other flock. It took me over two hours to catch her to rehome her. AND, I raised her from the incubator onward. Cool looking bird, but I will never own another one.
White leghorns. Very skittish and flighty. They are the last to "come in" at night too which makes me worry for their safety. I always spend an extra 30 minutes or more skulking around the barnyard waiting for the little girls to come home so I can close up for the night.
I would say the only two I would probably never have again would by OE or Leghorns. The leghorns just don't appeal to me at all personality wise and my family raised tons of them growing up. I never liked them. Likewise, my grandparents were very into OE and they just never appealed to me at all, although not for any particular reason I suppose. I have also preferred more the big fluffy chickens with good personalities and interesting varieties.
They are big and loud aren't they!

Yeah and the local breeds here in CT are the worst. Maybe next time I'll get eggs from down south.

PC, come over some night. I'll take you to a place where you can catch all you want for free.
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right now I have RIR's that at first were not very friendly but since laying are very friendly barred rocks that I love good natured birds naked necks dont like to be touched but good birds BA.s that I love and an assortment of mixes all friendly. So far all I have I would get again. The reds are boss but they are older Had a little bit of a time introducing the rocks but a few shots from the hose cured that. 2 of my rocks are roos one I have had 1 challenge me a copule of times but he is young and he is getting it. Pretty much he gives me a wide berth now. I know my reds are good layers dont know about the rest yet they are not old enough.
I have some Amber link hens who lay an egga day beautiful large eggs and they are sooo sweet!! Follow the kids around wait for their turn to be put down the slide and even ride around in the power wheels with them!!! I have 1brown leghorn that thinks I'll kill her by just walking in the backyard!! My sons chicken so shell stay but if it was up to me id have eaten her already:p
The Nazi's used those tactics too.. It worked for them also. Gotta wonder if they got it from RIR hens.

I will NEVER have a RIR rooster.. Ever. I had two and ate both of them after one yanked half the feathers from a silkie hen's head. And a friend just shot one that attacked his baby girl. Aside from Rhode island reds I will pass on leghorns too... hens and roosters. And I really would love to find a decent brown egg production breed that doesn't act so mean as my RIR hens.. If i find some.. Maybe I'll have lots of chicken and dumplings.. Wishfull thinking..
Silkies. While they are adorable, mine lays sporadically, and her eggs are tiny. Just kinda useless to have around. I wouldnt have my Key west chickens again. But only because I dont have the land/pens for them. You cant keep more than 1 rooster in a pen and even the girls are territorial. But that said, my KW roo is my best roo I have. Not a mean bone in his body unless you are a predator. He has never attacked or threatened any person in the 9 years Ive had him.
My Pearl Leghorns are flighty and non human friendly too.
New to the flock and were pastured chickens so that could have something to do with it. There's a lot to be said about raising them from peeps that were hand fed. But to stay on the safe side I'll stick with breeds that are reported to be friendly.

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