What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

I dont care for rocks, especially the show birds that are bred for show not temperment. I use to help my neighbour when was sick with a bad flu, his prize winning barred roo attacked me and sunk his 3 inch spur into my leg, tore a hole about 4 inches long and 1inch deep, had over 30 stiches in my leg. The owner felt pretty bad and ended up putting him in the stew pot. Did he ever taste good though!!!MMMmmmm!
Golden Campine. Gorgeous hen. Cute as a button when she came as a day-old...had a feather pattern that reminded me of a baby jaguar. So that's what we named her: Jag. The kids were so intrigued with her because she was pretty and unusual. But she has grown into the flightiest pullet we have. And she is FAST. Guess she is living up to her name! We can't touch her for anything (even when offering treats) and the only reason we can actually corral her is that she at least follows the pullet crowd! And the hatchery flyer said they were smart birds. I'm not seeing it...
I will never have Marans again.

I hatched out BBS, Cuckoo, Golden Cuckoo, Black Copper and a few Blue Copper...all from different breeding lines. Low hatch rate in comparison to the other breeds I have hatched, but worst of all were the personalities. Aggressive, mean and nothing I want again.
In fact I had one juvenile pen that had 6 Black Coppers both male and female, they decided to pick on one pullet and by the time I found her at chore time, the others had gotten her cornered and pick her in the head so bad she had a big whole and was almost dead. She just made a terrible noise like a sick chick. She survived after weeks of being in our "hospital" crate in the house, I can't believe she made it. The other pens of Marans were just as nasty and got worse as they got older.
I had one Golden Cuckoo pen that had 1 roo and 5 hens...the roo named Rufus was the meanest of them all. All I had to do was get close to the pen and he would start flopping at the fence to get to me. If I circled around the outside of the pen he would keep it up as long as I was near. Always had to carry something so when I went into the pen he had something other than me to attack. Holding him, trying to make him submit or spraying him with the garden hose was all in vain. Even a kick in the head a couple of times did nothing to deter him. He was chicken and dumplings not long after that started.

So, no matter how much I love those egg colors, ixnay on the Marans for moi!
White Leghorn Roos... Flighty Fools! If you have more than 1, they will constantly harass the pullets and gang rape them... not enough meat on them to eat... waste of chicken flesh they are!
Love the RIR hens but not the Roo. He was very mean. I haven't heard anyone mention barnevelder's yet any thoughts on this breed?
I did not care for my Silver Phoenix roo but that is just one rooster and I will not say that I would not ever have another.. Who knows, the next might be fantastic in temperament. I cant generalize and say I totally dislike any breed....


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