What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

I have 13 brahma hens. With the exception of one - Snowy - who seems distrustful of the whole world, I can go out anytime I want and scoop them up. I love on em and they lay their heads against my chest and coo. My roo Thor doesn't like being picked up, but he's calm and gentle around me.
I love love love my cochins, but I recently acquired a pair of partridge and they are flighty and standoffish, unlike my other cochins who are so friendly. Maybe in time they will learn to love me, who knows..
Oh yes, that's another one. When I was young dad had a RIR roo and a white rock roo. That white rock was easily 3 foot tall and I SWEAR that stupid bird stalked us! He would come all the way to the house (from the barn it was a good 1/4 mile) if we were outside just so he could torment us!
yes it is the individual chickens that give the breed a bad name.my BR is mean to other chicken and she lay a soft egg.
my hubby had BR before and we love them.
My leghorns are clam n sweet and lays eggs daily eat less then the others. they come running to me when i go into the run or running into the coop for a hug. I having not found a chicken in my flock that i do not like or love yet. but i do want more eggs daily. and they are 29 1/2 week old. and i am only getting 12 eggs a week out of 12 hens . when i should be getting about 78egg per week. could be predators i am hearing coyettes at night talking at night scared them at night. they walking thur the yards. yes i lock them up at night right before dark

My BR hen is pretty skittish, she seems to be afraid of her own shadow most days. I haven't had any problems from the BR roo, though there was one day that I'm not sure if he was trying to run at me or trying to run away from something else. Since he's never attempted to 'get' me and is about 1 year old, I'll assume he was trying to avoid something.
I have a few golden lakenvelders and I just love them
The first roo I had did try to get mean when he was coming into his hormones but it didn't last. The hens are pretty flighty, I'd say more so than the leghorn, but the roos are not one bit flighty. I'm hoping my roo will someday recover from being attacked by the dog, but it doesn't look like that will ever happen
He still can't walk right and won't roost....
I will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER have another Polish, Btm or Std, as long as I live. The stupidest things I have ever seen. I also really do not like OEGB. They are just to flighty and somewhat stupid themselves. Really do not like those little birds. I also do not like Leghorns, unless they are Btm. I have had numerous Leghorns or various colors in both Btm and Std and they Std birds are just to,...retarded, for lack of better word. But the Btms were very docile and laid back, they were a bit stand offish but didnt flip out every time someone came around. Im not a big fan or Seremas either. I have never owned one, and have no intentions on it either. There are a few other breeds that are my less than favorite breed, but I would certainly have them again over any of the mentioned breeds, specially OEGB!


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