What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

I have had some of THE WORST MIXES! I had a BR X RIR roo! He was the worst thing EVER! He would jump on our shoulders and dig in his spurs! He ended up causing his own death... no comment.

Now I have Golden Comet hens, which are a RIR/White Rock mix and they are MAJOR feather pickers! Mean ol' chooks! ALL of the Golden Comets have bare butts and a lot of them have barely any head feathering!

I have to say, so far, I LOVE MY BUFF ORPS!!! I have a lil' half blind 3 month old who runs up to me and sits on my shoes untilI pick her up and when I'm giving treats she sits on my shoulder and steals right out of my hand! LOL So cute! And my roos! They are so gentle lwith the hens AND each other! Yea, they chase each other but NEVER have I seen them actually attack...

So to make a long story short I would NEVER get the two above mixes! They are/were AWFUL!
I have been raising exhibition poultry for over 40 years and any breed can be mean or flighty if that is how they were bred. Reproduced without regard to temperament. I have also been a judge for many years, so I do know to watch out for: white Cochin bantams, black and white OEG bantams, Quail D'Anver males, but most chickens are not mean. Maybe these hatchery things are, I can't speak to that, but most real breeders don't want mean birds. A judge will not judge a mean bird..
Lakenvelders are certified nuts however. I have never seen a tame one.

Walt Leonard
It is all a crap shoot with hatchery birds,,,bred not caring about temperment etc.

I personally have had quite a few breeds (large and bantams) in my laying flock not had a problem - I have 4 roosters of different breeds and about 17 hens etc - not a problem. The only ones I ever had problems with were some polish a friend gave me - do get bullied. Mine are all handled a lot when young but also if different ages they go into meet and greet pens with the older ones close by for a long time then let mingle and they are OK. I do have a huge coop, run and they free range if possible when I am home.

My show stock are all nice birds, I hatch them and they have been fine.
No roosters for me!

my sisterbirds are all ex battery hens so not been tamed from an early age etc

white leghorn lays daily but it is a bit skittish not really friendly
the RIR is lovely put your hand over her and she stoops you stroke her and then when you stop she will walk away nice bird.
she has black with green (possibly austrolorps) these are not friendly at all like to run out of your way wont hand fed food.
black silkie hen from auction bit skitty uncatchable but quiet never know shes there.
young white silkie cockerel about 16wk follows her everywhere he is lovely easy to catch from auction at 12wks old hope he doesnt turn out to be too noisy else he will be someones dinner at auction.

my bantam hens

a blue auracana very friendly easy to catch and pick up
partridge wyandotte very mardy she has 3 x 10-12wk younger x's in tow so maybe mothers instincts but they are like a pack of vultures to anything new.

and this has made me laugh
QUOTE""""Silver-laced Wyandottes!!

Ours are grumpy,pick on the other chickens,are not easy to catch and almost impossible to hold and handle. On top of that they make screeching sounds that remind me of gunieas. """

Well i brought a hen today and i thought she was a broody lolol but this means she is probably just a mardy mare lolol ohh nooo back to auction she will go. cause the noise comming from her will not be tolerated even how beautiful she is lol i cant have a cockeral lol or a noisy hen

my light sussex bantam seems very quiet but its early days.

I think as with most animals you can only question there skittishnes and usefullness if you had from a chick! ours were all old birds POL when we had them. so still trying to befriend them.
You've got to be kidding me!

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy is half sultan, and half silkie ( mostly Sultan Though ) and she adopts chicks and is THE SWEETEST THING!
And you think they'e WEIRD?!?!!!!???!!!?!?!?!?!??!!?
If I had my choice I'd have a whole flock of'em! Standard & Bantam!
Just read all 16 pages and they are all over the place. all breeds are loved and hated. I have 7 breeds and all are fine. I love my polish also
All raised by hand and handled almost every day. I'll keep all of mine Polish, Pearl Leghorns (very friendly) Hamburgs, New Hampshire Reds and the rest
It seems to me that if I have 2 or more of any breed each one has it's own personality.
Just like people like some don't like others
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

You've got to be kidding me!

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy is half sultan, and half silkie ( mostly Sultan Though ) and she adopts chicks and is THE SWEETEST THING!
And you think they'e WEIRD?!?!!!!???!!!?!?!?!?!??!!?
If I had my choice I'd have a whole flock of'em! Standard & Bantam!

Maybe because yours has silkie in it?? I just think there weird atleast the one I had was it was a Roo. To each there own

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