What breed would you say this kitten is?


8 Years
May 22, 2011





" sighs " yes he does and if hes a Siamese no way will my mom let me keep him she hates them cause her mom had them and they would pee all over the house and yeow and since then she has hated the breed
The kitten's color is Colorpoint. It is a Domestic Short Hair (mutt) for the breed. Colorpoint cats are not necissarily related to Siamese cats....there are many breeds that come in Colorpoint that this particular kitten could have in its heritage.

I am not sure if you own the parents or not or what the story is, but that kitten isn't any more "Siamese" than the orange kitten next to it or it's parents.
No i dont these kittens were abandon in a box on the side of the road last saturday and i have been taking care of them i thought maybe he was a colorpoint cause i noticed they look like a siamese cause that orange kitten was in the box with him and the 2 sisters i had to have put to sleep sadly
The head structure does look Siamese or oriental, but there are several breeds with similar traits. Colorpoint or blue eyes don't mean much for guessing at breeds, as you are looking at a common mutation found in many breeds and species (like pet rats). Heck, just within the siamese breed, there are three distinct types. So, it is a domestic shorthair colorpoint. As Otter said, it is as Siamese as the tabby next to it. If worried about litter boxes, spay and neuter early, and scoop the box every day, and scrub out at least weekly. Some breeds have sensitive smelling, and it's amazing how many cats with "litter box issues" just want a clean box! I have known more male cats who have accidents or don't use their box as opposed to females, but most cats I meet do fine. Several breeds are talkers, but you are looking at a mix of breeds that is just as likely to take certain traits from one parent rather than another. So yeah, especially in this case, look at the individual not the possible breeds.
Cute kids!
I would not say the kitten is an Oriental mix. I have raised many different breeds of cats (including Orientals and both Modern and Tradtional Siamese) and the kitten is not built correctly to be an Oriental cross. They appear to be just run of the mill mixes like are found in most shelters and are most commonly kept. If someone abandoned them they were probably an accidental litter between someone's female cat and a feral or roaming male.

You will want to make sure to have them tested for FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) and FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) both are extremely contagious to other cats and can be deadly. I would be especially worried since the little Colorpoint looks like it has gunky eyes. URI and conjunctivitis can be symptoms and they can be very previlent in feral cats populations. Not knowing the origin of the kittens it would be a good precaution.
PS. When you said that you had to put two of the kittens down, were they weaving in any way? Falling down, or maybe crawling without standing? Or looking "dizzy" in any way?

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