What breeds do you have, that you want to get rid of?

Well, I doubt I'll get rid of any of my girls since they are older, but as for breeds that I probably will not get again: Brahmas, Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, BBS Orpingtons.

I've only had hatchery Brahmas and hatchery Wyandottes. Neither are very friendly, though I do like my Buff Brahma more than my Lt. Brahma. And I'm not all that fond of feathered legs, as a rule. My Speckled Sussex hen is a little eating machine, also not as super friendly as I was hoping she'd be. Maybe it's not that she isn't friendly-maybe Nelda just can't be bothered to slow down for petting in her eternal search for food. I've lost four Wyandottes, all to internal laying. Sold off two of the younger, more skittish ones, so I hope their owner didn't have the issues I did with mine.

I debate on RIRs back and forth. The hatchery stock all were great layers, but lost two of the three to internal laying. The breeder girls are HUGE ladies and good layers, but a tad skittish except for one of them... my remaining one hatchery RIR hen is pretty friendly, but only when she wants to be, not on our schedule.

I like blue/black/splash Orpingtons, but mostly as eye candy. None of mine have been very friendly, though not truly skittish. My rooster is the sweetest, friendliest one of the whole bunch, my Suede. After he's gone, I will not be breeding them any longer. Will change to Blue Plymouth Rocks instead, since Barred Rocks are my favorite.
I love all of my girls, but some more than others. Of the 5 breeds we currently have, (BR, BO, BB, GSL, and LB) it really wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if Denny decided he didn't like the Light Brahma's any longer.

April and JuneBug are pretty much his two girls. The are decidedly unfriendly! And those two always seem to need an engraved invitation to join the rest of the flock when it's time to head for the barn for the evening! If those two sisters were gone, I could replace them with two BO in the blink of an eye and never regret it!!

Hmmmm...I wonder if that one neighbor down the road would be interested in adding them to her flock. She commented just last night at the New Years bonfire that she admired those two! *insert evil grin here!*
I will not get another Silver Campine. Audrey was beautiful and friendly, and she laid nice eggs, but she was loud. She died of prolapse.
I replaced Audrey with a Gold Comet, and so far she is friendly and very pretty, with reddish-buff lacing on her white feathers.
Silkies. Once I got my bantam Cochins, the Silkies no longer held my interest. I find Cochins have way more personality. Just got rid of all but 4 of my Silkies a couple of weeks ago. And hopefully the last 4 won't be far behind.
1 silkie and 2 showgirls. I wanted to try them but they just don't do it for me.
They are sharing a coop with my d'uccles who are SO sweet and SO loving and they don't get along too well...I have someone coming to look at them tomorrow!

I think I will keep my standard mixes ALWAYS and hatch out a bunch of their offspring. I love them so much and they are troopers at barely taking a day off laying!
EE once i can find a new home for them will never be getting any more,nor the GLW. no other reason than i just don't like them with the GLW i might have them again if i can find a breeder near by the hatchery strain just did not look good.(they were also mean)
Get ready to switch...I am coming to get him and his carzy women and Isaac soon.
I need Suede to train his son to be great too.
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I don't like my........ well no I kind of do, well how about......no he's really pretty...... perhaps the ... no they give me that sweet look........ nope, out of many, many breeds none I can think of.

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