What breeds get along with Easter Eggers?


You haven't said what your goals are with more chickens. Why do you want a broody? Do you have a rooster that you want to breed? If you don't have a rooster, you don't want a broody hen, unless you plan to order hatching eggs for her to sit on. And broody hens are not typically friendly when sitting on a nest.

It's been my experience that EEs will get along with many other breeds, as long as integration is done correctly and you have enough space for everyone to peacefully coexist. It doesn't matter if EEs absolutely love their flockmates and are best friends with any particular breed, if the space isn't adequate, there will be trouble.

There are no guarantees how well your current birds will actually get along with newcomers, I believe that has more to do with how well you manage your flock and introductions. Even the most peaceful flocks will have pecking order squabbles. I have 2 Easter Eggers that have lived wonderfully with a Barred Rock, a couple Buff Orpingtons, Blue Wyandotte, Copper Marans and Olive Egger, they were all very friendly and integrated in separated batches as chicks. The only one who ever went broody was my Wyandotte, but I sadly couldn't keep her as she could never hatch chicks and be a mom where I live in town, she stopped laying during those broody times and I was worried she would starve herself. She moved to a farm with roosters.

Here's a few articles that will help you properly add new birds to your flock:
Integrating at 4 weeks old

Coop Brooder and Integration

The Essential Quarantine

See But Don’t Touch

Adding to Your Flock

Please read the articles and familiarize yourself with what to expect. Good luck with your chickens!
In my first flock I have easter eggers, silver-laced wyandottes, buff orpingtons, buff brahmas, dominiques, a silver-gray dorking, salmon favorelles, and speckled sussex. The good folks on this forum helped me pick the breeds. They all seem to be pretty docile and get along well with no bullying or complications. I'm quite pleased with the mix so far. Of course, they were raised together which I'm sure helps. Mine are still pullets and won't be laying for at least a month or two, so I can't tell you how broody they will be. According to my research, many of those breeds are supposed to be broody at least occassionally. Good luck! Be sure and let us know what you decide and how it goes. :)
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You haven't said what your goals are with more chickens. Why do you want a broody? Do you have a rooster that you want to breed? If you don't have a rooster, you don't want a broody hen, unless you plan to order hatching eggs for her to sit on. And broody hens are not typically friendly when sitting on a nest.

It's been my experience that EEs will get along with many other breeds, as long as integration is done correctly and you have enough space for everyone to peacefully coexist. It doesn't matter if EEs absolutely love their flockmates and are best friends with any particular breed, if the space isn't adequate, there will be trouble.

There are no guarantees how well your current birds will actually get along with newcomers, I believe that has more to do with how well you manage your flock and introductions. Even the most peaceful flocks will have pecking order squabbles. I have 2 Easter Eggers that have lived wonderfully with a Barred Rock, a couple Buff Orpingtons, Blue Wyandotte, Copper Marans and Olive Egger, they were all very friendly and integrated in separated batches as chicks. The only one who ever went broody was my Wyandotte, but I sadly couldn't keep her as she could never hatch chicks and be a mom where I live in town, she stopped laying during those broody times and I was worried she would starve herself. She moved to a farm with roosters.

Here's a few articles that will help you properly add new birds to your flock:
Integrating at 4 weeks old

Coop Brooder and Integration

The Essential Quarantine

See But Don’t Touch

Adding to Your Flock

Please read the articles and familiarize yourself with what to expect. Good luck with your chickens! View attachment 1915511
Why I’m Intrested is because I have 4 chicks that are Easter Eggers and when they get bigger I’m gonna get more chicks and when they grow they will reproduce young
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I have EE, Australorp, Plymouth Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Amerauna, Exchequer Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Speckled Sussex, Salmon Faverolles, Ancona, Delaware, Welsummers, Cuckoo Marans, etc. They get along fine.
Which breed is your favorite?

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