What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I don't have a cannon that fires chickens, so have no need of orpingtons. I hate excessive feathers on a bird, I like the sleek velociraptor look. Don't need eggs, you can buy those at the store way cheaper than you can raise them. That's why I only raise chickens that look neat. Love the Dong Tao.
Oh! And I do not like d’Uccles.

I prefer d'Anvers to d'Uccles.

I don't have a cannon that fires chickens, so have no need of orpingtons.

:lol: Mine aren't nearly big enough yet, but it's an amazing image. Like Angry Birds only Orpingtons instead. lol I'm definitely working to bring some size to them.

And I forgot Naked Necks were a thing. :sick And Showgirls... *shudders*
Most people that have seen me around on here know Silkies are my favourite Chicken breed. However, that doesn't mean I like every aspect of them...

Their overly determined broodiness, the cleaning required of their feet/foot feathers to remove dirt and poop, the fact that they can't see unless I cut their crests, some are smart but some are definitely not and will sleep in the cold outside of the coop if given the chance, when drinking they end up looking like they've been swimming, their screams are something out of this world, the fact that most other breeds will pick on them and their immune systems are terrible :confused:

Other than that...my babies are perfect! They get all my time and effort and I wouldn't change it for anything else :)
I dislike barred/cuckoo varieties of any breed. Not fond of "red" based birds either.

Unlike many who have posted I don't mind feathered legs or 5 toes. Not surprising since Faverolles are a favorite of mine. I had several varieties in the past and hope to someday be able to get back into breeding them again.
Welsummers are a fantastically normal chicken. They aren't overly friendly or deliberately flighty and are consistent layers of gorgeous eggs.
I have 1 welsummer and she squawks all the time...drives me crazy! I might as well have a rooster!
My barred rock on the other hand is sweet, and has a sweet gentle voice and quite a vocabulary of different, soothing sounds.
My amerucana is a great gal and terrific layer while my light brahma is the biggest bossiest biddy, who eats the most and produces the fewest eggs!
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