What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I don't dislike any breed and so far have only had leghorn, Morans, del's, RIWs and BH. Also a Silver Spangled Hamburg (free rare chick) and the crosses he produced. I now focus on the RIWs and BH birds. The crosses have started to go broody which is a new experience for me. I have four chicks that they are mothering well, another new experience for me. So who knows, they might get to stay a lot longer.
I’ve never been a fan of Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks as they seem overly common. I’m not a fan of Polish, I do like crested birds but the Polish crest is just too big for my liking. I don’t like the fifth toe on chickens. I don’t know why I just don’t like the look of the fifth toe. :confused: What breeds or chicken characteristics do you guys dislike?
Meanness! And I'm not too fond of the super-flighty breeds. I like a biddie that will come to me, or at least not run away when I approach. Still - there are individuals that shine in all breeds, so I'm pretty adaptable.
Side note - I used to not care for the super large breeds, simply because of their size (I love my bantams) ... but then I adopted Siri, a Kindergarten dropout that turned out to be a VERY large Jersey Giant. I wish I had more space, because I'm hooked on my gentle giant!
I actually like my turken. Although petting her skin is weird.
Not a fan of leg horns, rsl, bsl, rir or dong Tao chicken.
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That is a very "pretty" Turken. In my 50 + years of having chickens, I had never had any until my current flock of two years old hens. My three are very nice chickens who lay well and co-exist nicely with the other hens that include Austra Whites, Cuckoo Marans, Golden Laced Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons.
Dong Tao? That's a foot only a mother could love!
Ugly? Yup! Cool? Absolutely!!! Would I have one? Probably not. Can you imagine having to keep all of those creases and bubbles clean, dry and pest-free? ARGGH!
Still ... they're pretty cool. I'd definitely be tempted ...
Oh I would have a couple in a heart beat! I just learned about them a couple weeks ago The Quack Shack but... yeah I would have a few no problem.

I tend to like the stranger things in life though. My favorite breeds have all pretty much shown up on this thread as dislikes, which is okay. I wish I would have never bought my Silkies. "Oh that's cute" turned in to "Oh, what's it good for?" pretty fast.
In one sentence: I prefer quiet, friendly breeds that lay a decent amount of eggs.

I don't want to mention any names, but.... :) I have had many different breeds and for me personally I don't like breeds that are considered flighty or not particularly friendly. I only keep a 4-7 hens at a time and I want to be able to easily handle them to do health checks etc. I LOVE Orpingtons the most. I think what people like in chickens correlate with the reason they have them. Mine are for fun. They are for backyard entertainment and healthy eggs.
Not a fan of naked body parts on a chicken, nor of that Japanese chicken that just looks deformed with gi-huge-ic feet. :sick
I want a docile, friendly flock so I don't add any from breeds known to be aggressive which eliminates RIR. I added a Silver Laced Wyandotte early on before reading they could be nasty. She's not. She is talkative chattering the minute she exits the coop till she goes to bed. She is #1 hen boss. She is protective of Henneth who was bullied by a Barred Rock. Aren't BR supposed to be friendly? I rehomed my 2 BR because of bullying and won't have more. Good layers but rather plain birds.
The closest I come to top knot types is my Frost Legbar. I like looking at them but can't imagine keeping silkies and frizzles and showgirls etc. And they don't produce enough eggs to consider worth all the work they need.
I don't want meat birds. They make me sad. Bred to be so fat so fast that they can't walk, have sweet dispositions (that breaks my heart), and die so soon despite peoples attempts to raise them as loving pets. That puts them in the same category as bulldogs and those big footed Japanese chickens.
My 2 BOs are wonderful friendly birds. One goes broody once a year, easily broken. One is usually easy to picked up for petting. They mind their own business within the flock so I'm surprised to read anyone thinks they are bullies. I'd have them again.

Feathered feet don't belong on chickens.
LOL! Yes I felt that way too. I had informed hubby Bern that I would never get a bird with feathered feet. He reminds me of that ever since I got Bunny, my Black Copper Marans. I wanted chocolate colored eggs so...
She hasn't laid eggs yet but she is beautiful! And soft as silk! And friendly, following me around and lets me get a quick pet before scurrying off. Love her. Might have changed my mind about foot feathers. We shall see after winter.

Thank you all for contributing to the thread! Makes for some great conversation! There is another thread out there about favorite breeds and why you like them, but this thread is about chicken breeds and characteristics that we dislike. With that being said, I really don’t like tinted eggs. Either be a white egg or a cream egg! Just don’t be tinted! :smack
Ok, 'splain "tinted"?

My Frizzle Bantam hen is the alpha hen in my flock. She’s the orange hen in the picture for this thread on the BYC homepage.
I loved her when I saw her in person. Not a breed I think I want but she was so cute and love that she's the boss too!:love
Ok, 'splain "tinted"?

I loved her when I saw her in person. Not a breed I think I want but she was so cute and love that she's the boss too!:love
The egg above the brown egg to the right of the green egg is what I call tinted. Not a white egg, but not a brown or cream colored egg. The egg to the left of the brown egg is white.

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