What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

Ok, so what is cream? I would have called your tinted egg cream.
The egg in the middle in tinted and the egg on the 2 green/blue eggs is cream since it’s slightly darker and has a bit of a pink hue.
I have limited experience with breeds, but I love my silver laced wyandottes. Friendly, great egg layers, and I give them credit for never pooping on our driveway when we let them free range. I think they know better.
My ameraucanas are super skiddish, but beautiful birds. I love their "beards".
My polish have the most personality of them all. They are just hilarious to watch, and their little "afros" are the best.
I also have mosaics, blue laced red wyandottes, black copper marans, and a 'Godzilla' of an OE rooster. They're only 6 weeks old and scared of everything right now. Godzilla is showing to be the bully of the group though.

I don't, however, like big floppy combs, feathered feet, naked necks, production reds, and oriental game. Purely aesthetic reasons.
In one sentence: I prefer quiet, friendly breeds that lay a decent amount of eggs.

I don't want to mention any names, but.... :) I have had many different breeds and for me personally I don't like breeds that are considered flighty or not particularly friendly. I only keep a 4-7 hens at a time and I want to be able to easily handle them to do health checks etc. I LOVE Orpingtons the most. I think what people like in chickens correlate with the reason they have them. Mine are for fun. They are for backyard entertainment and healthy eggs.
I agree about Buff Orpingtons as they are my favorites as well (hence my Avatar). I fell in love with them as a young lad when I saw a BO hen at my Grandpa's barn. After his death, it and a pair of Lakenvelders were given to me as he had directed. To this day, that Lakenvelder rooster remains my all time favorite. Watching him with his ladies as they scratched together in the woods is a very fond memory.
I loveee all my birds, but I would have to say I dislike New Hampshires and Barred Rocks. The Barred Rock roosters I have owned are the meanest and will come at you looking for blood. The NH rooster always over-breeds my little BO hen Buttercup, even though he is the only "of age" rooster in the group!!

I also have an EE (Ameraucana x Leghorn) and she is the meanest little booger to the other chickens. If they even get close to her, she pecks and attacks them. (Could be old age grumpiness, but who knows :confused:).

Red and Black Sex-links are somewhat on my "no go" list, the Red Sex links are always curious (which gets them in so much trouble). The Black-sex links are almost always broody, resulting in other angry hens when she takes up the fav. nest box, and when I try to move her, I get the scream, angry pecking, and an angry rooster coming after me.

Granted, others may like the protective broodiness and the curiosity (the red sex-links running after my Dad on the lawnmower, or checking out why my moms car is moving while she tries to leave the house), but they just aren't right for me.

I really don't like feathered legs, but when my sister's little bantam cockerel runs up to me and wants to be cuddled, I am sure as heck not gonna let those feathered feet stop me.
Oh I would have a couple in a heart beat! I just learned about them a couple weeks ago The Quack Shack but... yeah I would have a few no problem.

I tend to like the stranger things in life though. My favorite breeds have all pretty much shown up on this thread as dislikes, which is okay. I wish I would have never bought my Silkies. "Oh that's cute" turned in to "Oh, what's it good for?" pretty fast.
Most of the rarer breeds tend to be non-brooders (which explains a whole lot about why they're rare ... silly chickens!) That's where your Silkies come in. Most Silkie hens are great broodies and mothers; and they'll adopt or raise pretty much anything ... even kittens. Of course, none of that helps when your lone Silkie turns out to be a rooster. We love our Herman, but couldn't, just this once, "Murphy" have surprised us with a hen?
I've had over 30 breeds of chickens and I really value that experience which showed me what I like about chicken breeds and don't like. That experience did lead me to appreciate a colorful egg basket.
After a lifetime of keeping chickens, I realize calm, friendly, docile breeds don't work for me. I much prefer independent, predator proof breeds that can fend for themselves. And I appreciate birds that, should the need arise, could obtain their sustenance through foraging if provided pristine pasture in good weather.
I may not be able to walk into a field and pick up a bird but I don't have birds disappear nor do I have to walk around and pick up chicken parts.
For those reasons, I wouldn't own silkies. The list of birds I would no longer own are Polish, Orpingtons, and any other overly friendly breeds or those with impaired vision, especially of an overhead view. Meat birds are particularly vulnerable so if I keep them, I tend to protect them more for the two months it takes to get them to size.
If I had 4 or 5 birds in an enclosed predator proof run, I would likely think differently.
But I usually have between 40 and 100 birds free ranging in at least 5 flocks.
I like alert, skittish birds that run like the wind, are respectful of fences so are easy keepers but can fly if pressed.
I've discovered the perfect breed (for me). Black Penedesencas. That is all I raise any more. They are the DP variety of the Pene breed and are very unique in many ways.
Unique works for me because I'm unique.
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