What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?


Ah ... but I bet you could make one heckuvan omelet! And those drumsticks must've been giNORmous! Then again, when my tiny bantams go broody, they can be vicious. Those ah'streges would pack quite a punch guarding a nest, so, No, I don't think I like that particular breed of chicken, either ...

I wouldn’t know about all that ... I traded them to an old guy for a dozen watermelons once they got too big.

Not sure what happened, but when I went to visitation at the funeral parlor there was some implication that the old guy tried to teach one of them cockerels to behave and the whole bunch of them got him down...

....I didn’t stay to hear all the details, just paid my respects and went home and had some melon.

I see his widow at the grocery store once in a while still and she always thanks me, apparently after 30 years of marriage to the old guy, she’d had enough.

I always make it a point to tell her what fine melons those were though ;)
I wouldn’t know about all that ... I traded them to an old guy for a dozen watermelons once they got too big.

Not sure what happened, but when I went to visitation at the funeral parlor there was some implication that the old guy tried to teach one of them cockerels to behave and the whole bunch of them got him down...

....I didn’t stay to hear all the details, just paid my respects and went home and had some melon.

I see his widow at the grocery store once in a while still and she always thanks me, apparently after 30 years of marriage to the old guy, she’d had enough.

I always make it a point to tell her what fine melons those were though ;)
I am not too fond of my Buckeye. My old roommate brought her home as a surprise chick without telling me first so I had literally no choice in her being in the flock but I wouldn’t choose this breed again. As a chick she was crazy wild and never liked to be held. As an adult she is loud and complains a lot more than the other chickens I have - she has also just started screeching in the coop when laying over the past week. She is just ornery and she happens to be alpha hen too. She loves scraps and treats - she will try to eat everything before everyone else.
The Buckeye seems “plain” in her coloring (all my other chickens have more appealing feather coloring than just plain red/brown). She is an alright lead hen and is not overly aggressive to this year’s babies (5 of them) like my Australorp is so that is a pro there. Well....she’s laying medium sized light brown eggs pretty consistently too but idk....I just don’t like her that much. I can barely touch her without her freaking out. Face full of wings every time I manage to pick her up.

I don’t think I want another Silkie either. They are cool looking but my Silkie rooster is not the brightest bulb in the lighthouse. We always used to say that he would be the one to get taken by a predator first because he acted so derpy and just not that intelligent. His voice is shrill and he freaks out about everything. Good lookout but his alarms are way excessive sometimes. Half the time the hens don’t even pay attention to his alarms. He loves to join in when the hens are doing their egg song and then promptly crows 4 times in a row after 5 minutes of screeching / egg singing in the yard. I have also noticed that he is becoming aggressive towards my daughter sometimes, he’s afraid of my husband and any noise, and he doesn’t mind me at all. He even does a jig for me sometimes if I’m squatting in the yard to hang out with them.
On another note: Frido the Silkie is a spastic little dude. Frantic and quick to run away when I try to touch him but he will come running to protect if his hens freak out. He’s got major little man syndrome - thinks he’s a big guy but he’s so small. And that comb is so weird. It looks like a brain is coming out of the front of his face.
I am not too fond of my Buckeye. My old roommate brought her home as a surprise chick without telling me first so I had literally no choice in her being in the flock but I wouldn’t choose this breed again. As a chick she was crazy wild and never liked to be held. As an adult she is loud and complains a lot more than the other chickens I have - she has also just started screeching in the coop when laying over the past week. She is just ornery and she happens to be alpha hen too. She loves scraps and treats - she will try to eat everything before everyone else.
The Buckeye seems “plain” in her coloring (all my other chickens have more appealing feather coloring than just plain red/brown). She is an alright lead hen and is not overly aggressive to this year’s babies (5 of them) like my Australorp is so that is a pro there. Well....she’s laying medium sized light brown eggs pretty consistently too but idk....I just don’t like her that much. I can barely touch her without her freaking out. Face full of wings every time I manage to pick her up.

I don’t think I want another Silkie either. They are cool looking but my Silkie rooster is not the brightest bulb in the lighthouse. We always used to say that he would be the one to get taken by a predator first because he acted so derpy and just not that intelligent. His voice is shrill and he freaks out about everything. Good lookout but his alarms are way excessive sometimes. Half the time the hens don’t even pay attention to his alarms. He loves to join in when the hens are doing their egg song and then promptly crows 4 times in a row after 5 minutes of screeching / egg singing in the yard. I have also noticed that he is becoming aggressive towards my daughter sometimes, he’s afraid of my husband and any noise, and he doesn’t mind me at all. He even does a jig for me sometimes if I’m squatting in the yard to hang out with them.
On another note: Frido the Silkie is a spastic little dude. Frantic and quick to run away when I try to touch him but he will come running to protect if his hens freak out. He’s got major little man syndrome - thinks he’s a big guy but he’s so small. And that comb is so weird. It looks like a brain is coming out of the front of his face.

Interesting. Both my Buckeyes (2-year-old hen and 8-week-old chick) are major talkers and super curious. I wouldn’t call it complaining... they just like to chat. I actually enjoy the greeting and that they talk back to me.
After 2 murderous Wyandottes who head-pecked and feather-picked other chickens, and who tried to kill my little bantam cochin rescue rooster, I will never have another Wyandotte, no matter how beautiful they are. A breeder I spoke with said half the people say things like me, and the other half say they are a fabulous bird. I am not about to find out which half I would be getting.
I have two Wyandottes and both are pretty friendly. One is waaay low in the pecking order and seems to come near me for protection, occasionally. The other is my best lap sitter. I heard Wyandottes were mean, but so far, not in my flock..
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I like most breeds of chickens. That said, I can't stand Silkies. Honestly, if I wanted to mop the floor, I'd buy a mop. Why would I want a pet that mops the floor with their "feathers", then gets all dirty and gross? Speaking of feathers....One of things that appeals to me about chickens is their sleek, beautiful, shiny feathers. Silkies have none of that. They remind me of those hairy rat-dogs that people carry in their purse!

Oh... and Naked Necks. They creep me out, because they look like they have the mange (or the bird equivalent of the mange).

Good thing that they haven't invented a cross between the two......
....looks at RinaRoo's post....
... awww CRAP.

I apologize to all Silkie & Naked-neck lovers, I know I just totally dissed your breed, but I guess that was what the thread is about...dissing breeds! ;)

OMG, this post is freakin hilatious!
Interesting. Both my Buckeyes (2-year-old hen and 8-week-old chick) are major talkers and super curious. I wouldn’t call it complaining... they just like to chat. I actually enjoy the greeting and that they talk back to me.

I have a feeling that my Buckeye is complaining in my particular case. I have 4 laying hens over a year old and 2 recently went broody over the past couple of months. One of them raised a SF cockerel for 8 weeks (well still is raising him - she hasn’t abandoned mothering duties to him yet) and she was still sitting in there with the second broody til I gave the second broody 2 chicks who are a little over 1 week old now.

All of my hens like to lay in 1 of the 5 available nesting boxes and one of the broodies took residence in the preferred nesting area when they were really insistent on sitting and ooooooh every day when my Buckeye went in to lay she started getting really loud and then exited the nesting area in a huff. She did this multiple times before she finally decided to lay an egg in another nesting box.

Also whenever we let the chickens have access to the rest of our 1 acre yard everyday for a week or so and then one day we don’t open the gate from their large fenced in yard to the rest of the yard she sits by the closed gate and just screams until the gate is opened.

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