What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I agree, personally, I love my RiR hen. She’s super friendly and is good to the other girls and is...polite to my less popular roo. She’s also the only one of my girls to stay committed while broody and successfully hatched her two chicks. I love how their red color gets darker with age. Mine is currently about two and a half years old and she’s gorgeous. Overall I've never had problems with RiRs in the past. I love em and its sad not everyone gets that great experience with them.
I’ve never been a fan of Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks as they seem overly common. I’m not a fan of Polish, I do like crested birds but the Polish crest is just too big for my liking. I don’t like the fifth toe on chickens. I don’t know why I just don’t like the look of the fifth toe. :confused: What breeds or chicken characteristics do you guys dislike?
I like RIR's as they are funny with their little antics. I currently have 2 orpingtons and 4 leghorns in the brooder. The black Japanese bantams don't lay a lot but they are certainly adorable!
I hear you! Its heartbreaking to see what "we" have done to our native breeds, all in the name of "Progress!" Have you checked out The Livestock Conservancy's website, yet? It's www.livestockconservancy.org. They maintain a Conservation Priority List of heritage breeds from all over the world, all in danger of disappearing due to our constant "improvements" of the original breeds. If you're looking to raise a heritage breed, I'm sure you can find one there that suits your needs. Some can be hard to find (they are endangered, after all) but the search is worth it. It took me nearly three years to find my Nankin Bantams, but now, I'll never have a flock without them. I LOVE my Nannies! Not only are they personable, sweet-natured, beautiful little birds, I know I'm doing my part to save something precious in our world... and it feels wonderful!
Oh yes, it was a purchase of convenience with those girls. Living in NZ and living in the city, it's a bit hard to track down an active heritage breeder that's 'in range'. They don't really ship readily and we took the sex gamble with the lone silkie chick - but at least we can go the fertile egg route now. Speaking of eggs, we can barely keep up with our three relentless reds so we'll have to wait till their production dies down before we look at getting any more. We're capped at 6 - hens only :(
It's ok. I'm sure a lot of people have known really awful ones. Just praying my boy doesn't turn out that way. I wonder if other people's were awful all along or if they did a complete 180 all of a sudden?

My next door neighbors, if I remember correctly, was never nice really. He didn't start attaching however until maturity.
I don’t like Rhode Island reds. I feel like they’re way to common, and they just aren’t pretty. I also don’t care for Ayam Cemanies, it isn’t right for a chicken to be so black. You gotta love Buff Orpingtons tho. :)
I have Bufforpingtons and one hen I cannot rennet what she is. But they’re only 6 weeks old.


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