What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

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My Grandpa was telling me he used to keep fighting chickens, and how beautiful they were; when he got real sad, and said, "I hated to see them get hurt."

In all my life, that was the saddest I'd ever seen him; so I like to keep fighting chickens that never fight. I like to tame them as pets, and see them be gentle. There's nothing on earth that makes me feel more like my Grandpa's with me.View attachment 1856086 View attachment 1856086

I loved the looks of these roosters, but they were way too mean for me!

I got the big guy to guard my hen and fertilize her eggs, for the nutrition, not chicks.

My friend wasn't spending enough time at home to feed them, so he gave me all his birds; and I REALLY like those little grays! I wanted to have them free ranging my land. The hens are so sweet and gentle, but that rooster was mean too!

I'm sure it was the way they were raised, but I couldn't get them to stop kicking me, long enough to get hatching eggs from them under my hen. Feeding and watering them was stressful, and usually ended with me bleeding.

After the big guy kicked the little gray in one eye he was easier to blind-side, but he'd still get my hands.

I tried to tame them to no avail. The last straw was when the big black boy shuffled my leg, and kicked a few big holes in my calf.

For over a week I couldn't walk right, until I stretched and walked off the pain. It made waking up to pee in the middle of a cold night, a nightmare!

They were so beautiful in my yard with their hens, and I hated taking them back home to their tiny individual cages; but I don't like mean animals, so...

They got what my Grandpa called, "An Irish promotion:"

"That is to say, they were demoted."

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The upload function isn't working right. It keeps double posting pictures, and bumping pics I'm trying to post, with the doubles.
That's why I keep my boys indoor. The Aseels make great pets and are not mean to people. I keep a group of females (8 of them) with rest of the flock and they all are high in the pecking order. Even my mean RIR Rooster leaves them alone after he got a good "disciplining action" from them for pecking on their chicks.
As well as the “Velociraptor” looking game cocks, those things are just so ugly to me, no offense.

You mean these birds???
Ahhh, gotcha. Thanks so much for the info. I have definitely found that Leghorns don't take changes in keeper very well; after trying that route once, I never will again! It was like a completely different breed. Even my Ameraucanas eventually settled in. Not them. Nutters. I too expect to be able to handle every single bird without very much fuss.

I don't care much about my leghorn hens being skittish and the Roose being nervous wreck, because I want them to perform their duties, that is to lay eggs and mate. The cockerels are a different story, they give me hard time when I caponize them and the capons are only slightly plump than their parents. But I eat them anyway I don't like freeloaders on my farm.
Thank you for appreciating it.

I agree. I have beautiful birds. Maybe beautiful enough to turn me into a vegetarian...
Your birds are so handsome & it's nice that you feel like your Grandfather is with you. One of the things that I loved best about Hawai'i was all of the chickens running around! Imagine my delight at the Maui airport watching chickens walk wherever they wanted! And to see them again all over Kauai...well it was fantastic! The islands are a paradise, sure, but chickens EVERYWHERE is what makes it heavenly!

A little hen & her rooster befriended us while we were there & part of me wanted to tuck them into a doggie travel bag & take them home the other, sanep partof me asked "why take a chicken from Heaven?"
Ugh I extremely dislike any kind of leghorn other than the Red variety. Brown and Pearl are way too flighty and Silver is in the middle, but my Reds are super sweet and love attention. (this is based off personal experience)

Any kind of pure white I would rather not own due to them looking pretty until they get dirty. Where I live, any kind of white chicken will turn red due to the soil. I have 4 mostly white chickens and the two older ones are so dirty; the younger ones are still clean. They are also very easy for predators to spot. If I had a choice when I got them, I would not have picked them out. (I will admit that I love how shiny white chickens are and I really wish I could have some)
After 2 murderous Wyandottes who head-pecked and feather-picked other chickens, and who tried to kill my little bantam cochin rescue rooster, I will never have another Wyandotte, no matter how beautiful they are. A breeder I spoke with said half the people say things like me, and the other half say they are a fabulous bird. I am not about to find out which half I would be getting.
My 2 meanest breeds are barred rocks and silver lace wyandottes. I don't think I'll ever get more.

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