What color are your Australorp's eggs?


10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
I've got some RSL and production red pullets that have been laying for about a week. My Aussies are a few weeks younger- wondering if I'll be able to tell their eggs apart. Seems like I read somewhere that the Aussie's eggs are lighter and more yellowish in color. Anyone know or be able to show some pics for comparison?

Next year i'll be crossing the Australorp roosters with my red pullets- hoping I don't end up inadvertently incubating Aussie eggs.
I hoping to find out the same thing.....my Australorp is 17 weeks so close to laying. It depends on the strain and if it's a show quality chick or hatchery quality. I heard that hatchery Australorps lay lighter colored eggs.
I can maybe post a pic tomorrow but my Australorps lay a pretty light brown egg compared to my Red Sex Link. Her's is a dark brown. Got all of them at the feed store so I'm pretty sure they're from a hatchery.
this is what my BA eggs look like. Pinkish - light brown color! Here's my girl Penguin.
thanks! Those do look a bit lighter than what my RSL and production reds are laying. Hopefully I'll be able to tell the difference when it comes time to start incubating!

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