What color is this cochin chick??

Hangin Wit My Peeps

11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Birnamwood, Wisconsin
This is one of the eggs I hatched out from Ashers group
Isn't he just SO cute! Not sure what color it is though. Anyone have any idea?


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does she have mottled?
probably a blue....mottled usually have more yellow....
blue is my final answer
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OH good I was hoping blue...nope I don't believe she had mottled. I sent her a pm so I hope she will know
I like your answer though! I have another one that just hatched in the incubator that looks just like him.
Look at the foot feathers!!!

No, I don't have mottled in my flock at all. Mine do keep quite a bit of white in them until adult molt, though. Not sure why, but I only have solid blacks and blues. I don't care for mottleds at all. (No offense to anyone that does.)

ETA: Will see if I can find some pics of similar chicks, a few friends swore they were mottled by looking at them as chicks. Now they are a gorgeous solid blue.
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Well...I'm trying to be very good and only hatch out my ducks right now since I have a list of people wanting them. However, I see a bunch of cockerels in my brooder right now so I am very tempted to stick some more eggs in right now. *sigh* So I should have eggs for sale from the cochins through the Summer...though May-June I don't think I'll be doing much selling or marketing them.

BTW, I forgot to say, looks like a blue to me, but I'm bad at this. *sigh*
Have any more popped out for you?
I went outside and took some new pictures of the flock today so am editing them now. Hope to get them up on my byc page tonight or tomorrow, depending on how easily my computer cooperates with me.
Congrats and cute chick!!
Here is a pic of one of my blue mottled gals when she hatched. There is alot more yellow.
Yours looks like a good blue. Both the bl and blk can have that penguiney thing going on.
klf73-oh come on in the waters warm!!..gotta get these for your kids!

This is a blue boy, but he is a light blue.
Thanks everyone for the help! I now have FOUR babies! Surprisingly TWO more hatched out that I didn't expect
*HUGE SMILE* They ALL look the same LOL I would LOVE all blue babies that's for sure. Would have loved a splash but I can get one of those later
Now I hope to get two girls out of the crew and I will be good. I'm thinking about keeping a male if I end up with a blue one. OH these babies are SSOOOO cute! Thanks a bunch Asher. May want more from you next year if your still selling at that time. These babies are strong

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