What color silkie should I get to breed with mille fleur d'Uccle?


Sep 22, 2020
South Central Pennsylvania
Next spring I am planning on getting some bantams. I know I want to get 3 mille fleur d'Uccle and 3 silkies. I was going to get the mixed silkie color box from mypetchicken, but now I'm not sure. So what color variation would I get with the diff color silkie x mille fleur d'Uccle? I'm not sure which ones will be roosters yet (don't have them yet) so I would appreciate from both sides. Try to go easy on the technical terms, I don't quite understand all of them. Thanks!
Only way is to experiment. Will you be culling unsatisfactory ones?
I will need to talk to a relative, she wants silkies, so I could give them to her. I don't have all the logistics figured out yet, still mulling it over.
They are actually a project and are kinda hard to find though.
Exactly. I'd rather start with a standard breed so I wouldn't get any weirdness, if that makes sense. I should say I would like mille fleur coloring with silkie feathering.
Note that silkie feathering is a recessive gene (h/h).

If you cross a Silkie with a D'Uccle, you will get a normal-feathered chicken that carries one copy of the Silkie feather gene. You could probably breed the offspring to each other to get 25% silkie-feathered, or breed the offspring back to the Silkies to get 50% silkie-feathered.


The offspring will probably also have feathered legs that looks somewhat like a D'Uccle's legs, but without the requisite vulture hocks of a D'Uccle which are recessive (v/v).

I believe the overall leg feathering is dominant.

As to color, that all depends on the colors of the Silkies involved.

As mentioned above, it would be best to use mottled Silkies to breed with the D'Ucccles. That is because mottling (mo/mo) is recessive.

Check to see whether your relative thinks D'Uccles are cute and if they would like some crosses between Silkies and D'Uccles. They sound awfully cute!!!!
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