What color type is my Americauna?


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2021
Hello folks, bought this hen from a hardware store, labeled Americauna. She came out black and white with blue feet, but she's not a splash, she's not a blue, she's not wheaten, and I cannot find another one colored like her.
Ignore the sapphire behind her.

So naturally, I am here to ask the experts: the fine folks at backyardchickens.com. Any help in identifying her color type would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. She's a fine bird and her name is Goose. I hope every one of you have a wonderful day.



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Hello folks, bought this hen from a hardware store, labeled Americauna. She came out black and white with blue feet, but she's not a splash, she's not a blue, she's not wheaten, and I cannot find another one colored like her.
Ignore the sapphire behind her.

So naturally, I am here to ask the experts: the fine folks at backyardchickens.com. Any help in identifying her color type would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. She's a fine bird and her name is Goose. I hope every one of you have a wonderful day.

I wish I had an answer for you on the color type! @NatJ or @nicalandia wud be able to tell you some of the genetics behind the colors—I see maybe some columbian pattern? She is a gorgeous mixed bird!! I just love the unique coloring and patterns in Easter Egger/Americanas! 😍😍😍
Hello folks, bought this hen from a hardware store, labeled Americauna. She came out black and white with blue feet, but she's not a splash, she's not a blue, she's not wheaten, and I cannot find another one colored like her.
Ignore the sapphire behind her.

So naturally, I am here to ask the experts: the fine folks at backyardchickens.com. Any help in identifying her color type would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. She's a fine bird and her name is Goose. I hope every one of you have a wonderful day.

She’s not a “true Ameraucana” so does not have a standardized color. She is absolutely stunning though.
She’s not a “true Ameraucana” so does not have a standardized color. She is absolutely stunning though.
Many Feed Stores/Hardware Stores label Easter Eggers as "Americanas/Americaunas" it's fine. They make for incredible pets with colorful eggs.

The hen in question is a Silver Incomplete Columbian hen, she is midway between a Silver Columbian and a Silver Partridge

This is another example of the pattern

And fully Silver Columbian EE rooster


I would say her genetic make up is eb/eb, Co/co, S/- and perhaps Pg/pg+
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