What container for storing feed?

We have used a Vittles Vault for our dog food for the past few years, it is absolutely perfect for keeping the food bug free.

I bought a galvanized can with tight fitting lid because the chick food bags are larger than my dog food bags. Then went to the auto store for a bungee cord. The tough rubber because I was told racoons can chew through the corded type. My bungee looks chewed -- I need a different type of tie down.
I bought the 50# size Vault and it holds more than a 50# sack of crumbles. I think the 80# size would likely hold two sacks.
What great replies! Thanks. I will have to look into the Vittle Vault. The can I have is galvanized steel, but I didn't know to keep it off the ground, or to leave the feed in the paper. I have it in the shade, under the eaves of the coop, but didn't think about those things. Great ideas, thanks again!
I have four garbage cans--because I buy all of my feed in bulk. Three of those cans are layer crumbles and the other one is chick starter.

I have a large overhang on the front of my coop that helps to protect the cans. They are on the south side of the building where the rain/wind/weather hardly ever comes from. I used to store them all inside the coop but found that was drawing in mice.

You can see the garbage cans here:


You can see how the overhang protects them:


The overhang also sometimes houses other things, like this nest box my FIL built me like four years ago that I have no where to put.


BUT I told DH that he'll need to build me a coop for that nest box.
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