What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners :)

We had some rain over the weekend and then a quick passing thunderstorm on Monday. Things are still drying out. Daytime temps hover around 70 with overnight lows in the upper 40s to low 50s. Spring has arrived?

I still haven't pulled the tomato plant. It's covered in flowers but none of the fruit is changing color. I'm going to give it a little longer and see what happens. The Mexican heather seems to appreciate the shade.

I went through all the soil amendments I have and straightened up the bookcase in the garage where I store my gardening supplies. I have an unopened bottle of fish emulsion so I'm going ro try that on the bushes I transplanted last weekend. I remember reading that a lot of fertilizers have salt in them and if your soil is naturally this way fertilizer can make the problem worse. Supposedly not the norm with fish emulsion. I'm going to also give some to the hibiscus after I move dirt into that planter. I've got it standing straight but I don't want to dig it up and replant.

The artichoke is huge, the biggest I've ever had, and I'm pretty sure it's the bunny poop. That stuff is amazing! No flowers yet, but they should be showing themselves soon.

No weed pulling or trimming the bougainvillea today. I filled the trash can with junk so I'll have to get it done over the weekend. It's ok, I hate that chore anyway!

Have a great day everyone:frow
Good morning gardeners. No new snow today. Yay! It's cold today, woke up to 15F and temps will stay in the low 30's all day. That's OK, because the sun is shining and that will raise the temperature in the coop and run so my molting chickens will be fine. Rain moves in tomorrow so bye, bye snow until the next round drops in. I got my daily email from the Old Farmers Almanac and they had an article about growing ginger indoors. Sound familiar? They showed a picture of the plant too, so I'm thinking maybe I'll do it this winter. I need advice on when to pick this lemon / lime on my little tree. It's been growing for over a month now. How long do these things hang around on the tree before they are ready for picking? If I can get the hang of successful indoor citrus growing, I would love to add a mandarin orange tree and another lemon / lime tree. (I'm saying lemon / lime because my tree is supposed to be a Meyer Lemon but the fruit never changes from green so I really don't know :idunno). Hope all your holiday preps are going well. This afternoon is my monthly music concert at the music school a few towns over. Have a great day everyone.
Had the biopsy done yesterday. Went well I think. Probably won't know anything until Monday or Tuesday. Supposed to be taking it easy for a couple/few days so yesterday I just read all day. Today I scooped out some poop shavings from the big coop and then came in to chill for a while. I'm not real good at "taking it easy". :lau My husband will attest to that! But I have been having him do any heavy lifting. I think today I will make my 2nd batch of Christmas Jam and maybe another batch of fudge ( and put it where the dog can't find it!!). If my hubby gets around to bringing in the 50 lb bag of lime I will mix up the solution that is suppose to help me remove the hair from the deer hide and get that soaking today too.
I have not followed that part of your story. I'll have to go back and read this thread further to get more of the details of this sentence. I am wishing you the best- results, recovery, all of it. :hugs Have a wonderful day!!!
Thanks! I had a mammogram that showed something. They think there are 3 cysts and they wanted me to wait 6 months and then come back. I said, no, I don't think so! (I had thyroid cancer about 8 years ago that they couldn't decide was cancer until AFTER they had been removed and sent off for testing!)
So they agreed to do a needle biopsy. That's what I had done yesterday. I'm hoping they will be able to tell conclusively one way or the other. Of course, I'm pulling for non cancerous! Time will tell.
Thanks! I had a mammogram that showed something. They think there are 3 cysts and they wanted me to wait 6 months and then come back. I said, no, I don't think so! (I had thyroid cancer about 8 years ago that they couldn't decide was cancer until AFTER they had been removed and sent off for testing!)
So they agreed to do a needle biopsy. That's what I had done yesterday. I'm hoping they will be able to tell conclusively one way or the other. Of course, I'm pulling for non cancerous! Time will tell.[/QUOTE]

Good call. It is too bad that they did not think of that themselves... My goodness, with history and all I would think that that would be a given. Ok. Well then. I'm glad you don't have to wait too long for the results. I hope you have lots of peace and joy this holiday season for sure!!!

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