What did you do in the garden today?

That usually happens to me when I mix to much fertilizer in before planting. I am famous for over fertilizing.
Avoid nitrogen with potatoes .That goes for most root vegetables. If fertilizing be careful what fertilizer you use. I mostly just use compost here for fertilizer and soil amendment.
Mid-week “taste of spring” today and of course i had to spend it inside at the office 😩
40 here, which is warm this time of year, and I too spent the day inside in my home office. The next two days are in the 40s too, but it's supposed to rain and I'll be working either at home with meetings all day or in the office building with meetings all day... It's depressing. And to add to the depressing nature of these days, it's dark out already at 5pm when I get done working (if I get done by then even).
I cannot wait for April - going to the Florida Keys for a week of what should be warmth and sunshine. And then on to May when I finally get enjoy the outdoors most days, even if just for a few minutes in the morning or evening.
Avoid nitrogen with potatoes .That goes for most root vegetables. If fertilizing be careful what fertilizer you use. I mostly just use compost here for fertilizer and soil amendment.
One exception: Onions. But they aren't really a root vegetable. The bulb underground is specialized leaves. So they can tolerate more nitrogen than stuff like taters and carrots.
One exception: Onions. But they aren't really a root vegetable. The bulb underground is specialized leaves. So they can tolerate more nitrogen than stuff like taters and carrots.
I knew that. Onions are actually just specialized leaves. Now I'm wondering if it is the same for garlic though?
A quick Google search tells me that garlic should have fertilizer high in nitrogen.
I started staining the hanging shelves that I'm going to use to keep my seedlings out of the dogs' reach. I've already got them cut and the holes drilled for the rope. I'll finish staining and polyurethane them this week. I paid a total of $25 for the wood and less than $10 for the sisal rope. I'm using stain and polyurethane that was left over from other projects so I have less than $40 total into this project for 2 sets of double shelves (24" x 12"). They were asking over $50/each on Etsy and they weren't even that big.

So I was poking around in one of the freezers yesterday looking for a loaf of bread and came across some crawfish shells that I salvaged last year from a crawfish boil. Anyone ever use these in the garden?
I started staining the hanging shelves that I'm going to use to keep my seedlings out of the dogs' reach. I've already got them cut and the holes drilled for the rope. I'll finish staining and polyurethane them this week. I paid a total of $25 for the wood and less than $10 for the sisal rope. I'm using stain and polyurethane that was left over from other projects so I have less than $40 total into this project for 2 sets of double shelves (24" x 12"). They were asking over $50/each on Etsy and they weren't even that big.

So I was poking around in one of the freezers yesterday looking for a loaf of bread and came across some crawfish shells that I salvaged last year from a crawfish boil. Anyone ever use these in the garden?
I bury shrimp tails in my tomato holes every year, along with a scoop of used coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, &a piece of banana peel. I don’t fertilize at all after that, it seems to feed them well enough for the whole summer.
I started staining the hanging shelves that I'm going to use to keep my seedlings out of the dogs' reach. I've already got them cut and the holes drilled for the rope. I'll finish staining and polyurethane them this week. I paid a total of $25 for the wood and less than $10 for the sisal rope. I'm using stain and polyurethane that was left over from other projects so I have less than $40 total into this project for 2 sets of double shelves (24" x 12"). They were asking over $50/each on Etsy and they weren't even that big.

So I was poking around in one of the freezers yesterday looking for a loaf of bread and came across some crawfish shells that I salvaged last year from a crawfish boil. Anyone ever use these in the garden?
If you don't use the crawfish shells in the garden, you could offer them to the chickens.

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