What did you do in the garden today?

I'm getting ready to plant squash just as soon as I recover. So mine will be late, too.

I understand the dread. I tried a customer service gig once and the stress was enormous! I only lasted a month.
I've been there for 25 years & have always loved my job until recently. The changes have made the place awful to work for & I can't wait to retire. 7 more years...if I make it that long.
Good morning gardeners. We also got about a quarter inch of rain last night. Little gardening planned for today. I did the weeding in the leek and onion bed. Green beans still coming up slowly. I did a complete garden walk this morning. I have 4 blueberry bushes doing well. The okra, eggplant and bell pepper plants are looking very good. My new lilac bush is looking very healthy. I’m very pleased that my tiny hydrangea is looking healthy and strong. The peas and carrots are growing nicely as well. Still more to get into the ground. I’m doing errands today and giving my back a rest. Next week the temperatures will be getting to the uncomfortable warm stage so it sounds like a good time to get the ac units hooked up.
not a single drop here yet. they keep talking about rain but nothing.
All they say here about rain is how we won't get any. Maybe a week from today.
Saw the meat was taken from the trap, but not the celery. It did not step on the trigger while investigating. I will rebait tonight, further in.
I put my bait in a glass dish, right in the middle (side-to-side) of the trap, so hopefully it is beyond the critters' reach. It's about halfway between the edge of the trigger and the end of the trap so again, hopefully beyond reach unless they step on the trigger plate.
Drank some healthy soda pop. It's my white grape kefir second ferment.
Looks GOOD! Do you make kombucha too? That's my healthy pop.
I can finally post something in the gardening thread! I got 3 more of my dragon fruit trellises completed! Now to wait and propagate! I may have an addiction! 🤣
I put my bait in a glass dish, right in the middle (side-to-side) of the trap, so hopefully it is beyond the critters' reach. It's about halfway between the edge of the trigger and the end of the trap so again, hopefully beyond reach unless they step on the trigger plate.

Looks GOOD! Do you make kombucha too? That's my healthy pop.

I like the glass dish idea. More likely to trigger it while fussing with the dish.

I don't make kombucha right now. I use to make a lot of it. A gallon a day. But that was when I had a family of 6. I never second-fermented it though. That was before I knew about it. I bet it's good!!
My son and his family live just up the hill from Puyallup to the north. When I started house hunting November of '21 I wanted a place up there near my grandkids but it was totally unaffordable for me. Good thing, too, because I'd never have found this place 80 miles to the south.

Seems like home prices are always driven by California refugees. First it was Oregon, then Washington, then Idaho and Montana. We ended up in TN. In all fairness, most of us left because the people in Los Angeles area fled north first. LOL

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