What did you do in the garden today?

Thanks LG. :) Yeah, there's a medication that could help her, her doctors want her to take it, but it's 20K a year(!?!?!) so she has NO way to afford it. Instead she has to just manage her condition with lifestyle changes. And that means no cast iron. :T Which I guess means neat pans for me? I still feel bad for her.

Cap, that's great! It looks so nice! Were it that my lawns looked so pretty. XD Nice work!

Today I did nothing. Nothing at all in the garden. I'm not feeling well today so I stayed in and worked on a holiday card to print and send to friends/family/etc. :p
I hope you feel better soon. I am just tired and did not want to shovel dirt today at the end of the day so i put it off until tomorrow. I am so crazy about spring flowers i just had to get my bulbs a place to sleep!
001.jpg totally off subject had a interesting find at the kitchen store yesterday
We start ours in April about a month ahead of planting. You can start them about anytime and just trim the roots if they start packing the jar. Add a drop of miracle grow or some kind of hydroponic fertilizer occasionally to keep them green and growing. Sweet potatoes are amazingly resilient. I found a bag of small ones we saved from the garden last year in the garage all dried up. We applied the jar rooting method and got about 80% starts after a winter in the garage!
Thank you! We love sweet potato, dogs too.
We broadcast the fine seeds on the soil surface in a planter or starter plug tray with potting mix and mist it once a day until it sprouts. It doesn't like to be too wet. It is also important to keep it warm to germinate. Don't move it into the garden too early as the cold soil will set it back. We're in southern Ohio and get it in the garden around Memorial Day, you might be a week or so behind us. Patio containers are good after Mother's Day. We've had good luck with both Mexican and Mediterranean basic oreganos. Not so much with the fancy varieties. We start it in our greenhouse under a grow light and move it to our deck or transplant it into the garden. This year we also tried aromatic Cuban oregano and it grew like kudzu, we were literally harvesting and drying it by the 5 gal. bucket. We let the oreganos flower and go to seed late in the season for the bees and to harvest seed. Couple of links below with some info on starting oregano.



Cuban oregano ready for the dryer.

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I'm miss the oregano plant t the community garden where I have a plot. Neighbor dug it out and tossed it!!! What could I say? Technically it was in her plot, not mine. But I was the one to pinch and harvest.

So your info will be put to use next spring here!!!!
Haven't grown KY wonder, though I know they're popular. I have yard-long beans and dragon tongue. DM me your address and I'll ship this weekend if you want. It'll give me an excuse to take back some of my raised bed.

I tried Dragon tougue. And yard long. Both failed to thrive because I didn't provide a good location. A coop needed summer shade but the soil was not prepped well. The following year in a new location, the bush bean plants were small despite the great soil and long day of sun.

Can u share bean cultivation methods?
Thanks LG. :) Yeah, there's a medication that could help her, her doctors want her to take it, but it's 20K a year(!?!?!) so she has NO way to afford it. Instead she has to just manage her condition with lifestyle changes. And that means no cast iron. :T Which I guess means neat pans for me? I still feel bad for her.

Cap, that's great! It looks so nice! Were it that my lawns looked so pretty. XD Nice work!

Today I did nothing. Nothing at all in the garden. I'm not feeling well today so I stayed in and worked on a holiday card to print and send to friends/family/etc. :p
Having smashed a wrist, well a young horse kicked it, the risk for arthritis was high.
Yesterday I bought an exercise program for arthritis on a cd, and I will be making my sons do it along with me. A friend is moving...I get the step climber! AND I watch Dr Amen often. He focuses on good foods as medicine for good brain health. Dr Atkins started this idea years ago, but focused on heart health and weight loss. Thanks to Dr Atkins I eat a huge variety of vegies!
Short list.....

Dr Amen:
7 servings of fruits n veg, 2:1 veg:fruit

I'm vowing to make huge changes in my families diet....SAD has crept back onto our plates, again.

We love the iron pans. Even rusty ones can be refinished for use. I have enough pans to give my boys , lol
I raked the yard, cleaned up the compost pile, added a little more litter to the coop after buying more, also picked up another nest box. Found a home for the black roo, swept the patio, made a couple nights worth of dinner and went grocery shopping. Watered the compost pile and some bushes.
Planning to put down cardboard on Wednesday around the lemon and apple trees and hopefully there's enough for the grapes too.

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