What did you do in the garden today?

I gave up on planting bulbs. It's simply too cold out for my delicate constitution. I simply gathered up all the stuff that still does not have a home, and stuck it in the garage. If it survives until I get it under some potting soil, fine. If not, I guess it really won't be missed. I have a bale of pro mix, and lots of pots. All I lack is motivation and space.
Today is a little coop maintenance and looking over cardboard to see if I have enough. Likely will get it put in around the grapes and use some brick to hold it down for now.
We had "measurable rain" .07" but I still think I should water ;)
Decided to put my brick surround for the garden on the shade side of the lemon tree where I've mulched the soil before. It's much improved after a few years and a bed there will hopefully kill off some grass. I think I'm going to divide the bed in half and one half in half again. Will plant carrots in both the smaller sections and leave some to go to seed.
Planting this weekend :woot
I planted winter wheat yesterday down by the river.
Today i cleaned out half the coop and put some of it in the garden. After my tea break i will bring down the rest. And considering planting more wheat but not sure how much daylight is left. Maybe i can rake leaves and pick up sticks to prep.
Today I had the fun experience of reading someones blog post about how offended they were about millennials being offended and only doing things online. The poster seemed to think that they never expected praise from strangers simply for existing, then told millennials that they should shut up and listen to them because they had existed for longer.
The irony of that situation was also lost on them in their follow up blog post about how millennials lacked compassion but also how everyone who was expressed how hurtful their post was should just shut up and work harder.

In other news I have the bed that I cleared of weed covered in compost, tilled and mulched. :plbb Got me nice and warm despite it being 30*F out.

Man, at this rate I might actually be ready for spring planting when it rolls around. But only if I can stop spending all of my seed ordering money on avocado toast and Gucci bags! :O :O

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