What did you do in the garden today?

I haven't been in touch w/my garden buddies in a while.. sorry..
Here is some fresh stuff from today. Until I can have Spring weather filling the camera faster than I have been digging for a contribution..
LAST OF THE BIRD HOUSE GORDS.. Dwarfs but just clipped them about an hour ago.. Next seasons seeds..
20171206_194652 copy.jpg

Florida Weather Saved Rose Flowers.. We are about to get a freeze in a couple days... Last chance to share a pic from my backyard that has color.

BUB BYE Roses.... :frow
I will be reading your posts and lurking in the shadows....:)
Hmmm--if you have great soil and long sunny days, yard longs should do fine. Did you put the yard longs on a teepee or trellis? It sounds like you did it right, the only thing I can think of is adding a couple inches of compost. Good luck!!
THey might have done better with a little care. lol Thriving plants need more care than I realized. My mother made it look easy. Red noodle is on my wish list for 2018!
ummmm.......wasted a couple hours looking thru www.rareseed.com List ridiculously long !:lol:
All those love seed listings.....I was totally absorbed. Is that what a football game is to the Sunday couch potatoes?

I have an online source for a seed company that sells heirloom seed from crops raised in our desert climate.I could spend hours going over their site while I imagine a beautiful garden overflowing with good stuff to eat and lots of flowers. Man, that's the ONLY reason I miss CA

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