What did you do in the garden today?

A couple weeks ago I dug up my horseradish root. There were four crowns on the root that had small leaves growing out of them.

Yesterday I cut off the crowns and planted them in an out-of-the-way spot, in soil I amended with chicken compost.

Today I spread another layer of chicken compost around the perimeter of the planting area, then covered it with several inches of decomposed wood chips.

It'll be interesting to see how well it grows this summer. It's more of an ornamental planting, close to the road but in a location that won't matter if the horseradish becomes wildly invasive and spreads. LOL
I got my first fire ant sting of 2024. :rolleyes:

We have four plastic planters that are a little too shallow for most crops, so last year after trying to grow beans in them I let them go fallow. They're currently growing weeds. I dug them out and tossed the clumps to the flock.

And was stung, I must have disturbed a not-so- dormant nest. Yikes.

Collards are looking good.
60 today, snow Thursday
Today I walked the chickens. They were all hiding when I went out. Turns out there was a cooper hawk on the woodpile hunting sparrows. Juvie hawk had NO interest in my massive scary hens, but the girls wouldn't come out unless I was out there.
So I kept them company and worked on pouring some concrete.
Then I put them away and did some odds and ends jobs, like cleaning and repairing an exhaust fan and sweeping the winter muck, now dried, out of the garage.
My new KoMo mill comes tomorrow. I can't wait. I've been waiting on it for 9 months.
Fresh wheat bread this week.
The hen with the bad sour crop keeps knocking her water over inside the quarantine crate. Grrr... Not only does it make an enormous mess but it wastes all the medicine in her water too. I've got her on antibiotics in addition to ACV and electrolytes. Yesterday she sounded like she was going to die from pneumonia, was clearly feverish, and had TONS of thick yellow foul liquid pouring from her beak. Today she's running around like she's perfectly fine and spooking at everything. 🙄 If she keeps knocking the water over tomorrow, I will move her to the outdoor quarantine pen. I just don't really want to do it because it's below freezing at night and she's had a fever. Worried she'd be cold by herself out there.
The hen with the bad sour crop keeps knocking her water over inside the quarantine crate. Grrr... Not only does it make an enormous mess but it wastes all the medicine in her water too. I've got her on antibiotics in addition to ACV and electrolytes. Yesterday she sounded like she was going to die from pneumonia, was clearly feverish, and had TONS of thick yellow foul liquid pouring from her beak. Today she's running around like she's perfectly fine and spooking at everything. 🙄 If she keeps knocking the water over tomorrow, I will move her to the outdoor quarantine pen. I just don't really want to do it because it's below freezing at night and she's had a fever. Worried she'd be cold by herself out there.
I have clip on cups like you use for rabbits, and a tower one that is smaller like you have for parakeets.
The parakeet one is great as it's a small quantity for clean water/med change daily.
You won't believe what happen to me. All my passwords and seldom used Gmail email info was stored on my computer when I changed them at my new anti-virus request. I did not write them down before my anti-virus started blocking some of my apps like window's calculator and other things, so I did a system restore out of frustration and got locked out when it finished. I could not remember anything, so I had to freeze my credit card to stop all my paid subscriptions. I won't use Bit Defender this time around.
You won't believe what happen to me. All my passwords and seldom used Gmail email info was stored on my computer when I changed them at my new anti-virus request. I did not write them down before my anti-virus started blocking some of my apps like window's calculator and other things, so I did a system restore out of frustration and got locked out when it finished. I could not remember anything, so I had to freeze my credit card to stop all my paid subscriptions. I won't use Bit Defender this time around.
Uhh…Not to confuse you or anything but I think this belongs in a different thread.

Wait a min…@CNJ, is that you? 🤷🏼‍♀️

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