What did you do in the garden today?

Hmmm, that's REALLY good to know. I was thinking about putting it either in my gardening shed, garage, or sun room. None of those are below 72 degrees in the summer... And a dedicated circuit is also not ideal although I could probably make it work.
The temperature thing is critical as the pump runs 24/7 when it's going and it gets HOT. So to keep from burning out the pump, you have to keep it in a cooler room.
@TJAnonymous a lot of the reconstitution involves weighing it before you dry it and then again after, and only putting back in what came out. The trick is smaller containers and greater surface areas. I've been keeping a log book.
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Very good information to know, thank you!

Our basement is the only room that would qualify for reliably being under 72 degrees in the summer when I'd have produce to FD. It can be damp down there; enough to run a dehumidifier at times. Does a freeze dryer make a room more humid?
No. It freezes the food, then heats it to cause the water in the food to sublimate. Water freezes as frost on the inside of the freeze dryer. It is a closed unit. When the food is done, and removed, you can choose to let it thaw the ice out naturally, which would add moisture to your basement, or you can close the door and let it heat the ice away. In both instances, it drains out of the freeze dryer, down a hose, and into a drain or bucket (which you empty). So there might be a little humidity there until you empty it. No more than the air conditioning draining into your basement drain or your sump being full of water all the time.
Chicks are happy. Hens are happy. The alpacas are in the western pasture for two days, so they're happy.
The garden looks good. The tomato starts are growing.
I mowed all day yesterday.

I've got french toast, coffee cake, and ice cream squares in the main freezer, chilling for the freeze dryer tonight.
Sciatica is complaining, so I'll take it on a 12 mile bike ride here shortly and work it out. I feel like I've been kicked in the arse by an ass, but just the one side. LOL

Heading for 90 today and tomorrow.
Took some updated garden pics. Still only about halfway through cleaning up all the growth after being gone...

Cukes that are/were hiding the snake that nearly bit me. Haven't seen it since.

Corn looking good but starting to see flea beetle damage.

I ***HAVE*** to address the overgrowth of my grapes this weekend. Believe it or not, there onions and flowers under all those leaves & vines.

Tomatoes - post pruning

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots and onions - OH MY!

Junebearing strawberries seem to be done. Runners starting to come out. I'll pot them up this weekend.

New memorial garden I built for my mom. Can't wait for the dahlias, gladiolus, and daylilies to bloom...

Took some updated garden pics. Still only about halfway through cleaning up all the growth after being gone...

Cukes that are/were hiding the snake that nearly bit me. Haven't seen it since.
View attachment 3835108

Corn looking good but starting to see flea beetle damage.
View attachment 3835110

I ***HAVE*** to address the overgrowth of my grapes this weekend. Believe it or not, there onions and flowers under all those leaves & vines.
View attachment 3835111

Tomatoes - post pruning
View attachment 3835112

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots and onions - OH MY!
View attachment 3835113

Junebearing strawberries seem to be done. Runners starting to come out. I'll pot them up this weekend.
View attachment 3835114

New memorial garden I built for my mom. Can't wait for the dahlias, gladiolus, and daylilies to bloom...

View attachment 3835115
Everything looks beautiful!
All the goodies are in the machine.
So probably by Sunday lunchtime - breyers strawberry icecream bites, neopolitan bites, shoo fly cake pieces, and french toast sticks.

It's 91 degrees, and the house has hit 80 - sleepy weather.
(basement room with FDer is only 64 - lucky room)

My older grape vine has yet to fully wake up. I have leaves near the base, but the long branches are still bare. It spreads almost 40 feet across and is 7 years old. Hmmmm.
All the goodies are in the machine.
So probably by Sunday lunchtime - breyers strawberry icecream bites, neopolitan bites, shoo fly cake pieces, and french toast sticks.

It's 91 degrees, and the house has hit 80 - sleepy weather.
(basement room with FDer is only 64 - lucky room)

My older grape vine has yet to fully wake up. I have leaves near the base, but the long branches are still bare. It spreads almost 40 feet across and is 7 years old. Hmmmm.
I noticed my Catawba grapes are full of fruit, but no foliage. Very weird... You can see them here behind the roses


My Concords, on the other hand, are a jungle.... And they are just a few feet down the fence from the Catawbas.
I noticed my Catawba grapes are full of fruit, but no foliage. Very weird... You can see them here behind the roses

View attachment 3835347

My Concords, on the other hand, are a jungle.... And they are just a few feet down the fence from the Catawbas.
View attachment 3835348
My Concords are going nuts and yes, it's my Catawba that are naked, totally naked. I wonder if the drought and extreme cold we had this winter got her.

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