What did you do in the garden today?

We've got a synergy relationship with foxes, too. The foxes go after rodents, voles, moles, rats & leave our chickens, Guineas & pigeons alone. A neighbor has fed the foxes ongoing. I just talk to them & they always liked hanging out in the far corner of my yard where they sunbathe. They always were congenial with me & like when I sit at the fire pit, they lay down nearby & watch the fire. It's been like this for years, I just hope it continues.
Done for the day. Got the front yard and chicken yard mowed. Finished weed whacking the garden then gave everything a drink of water. It didn’t get as hot today but the humidity dropped to 35%. Very dry. The wind picked up rather briskly and broke a large limb off one of my maple trees. Fortunately it was the one I had to trim repeatedly because it hung so low. Thank you Mother Nature. I need to run to Walmart and the grocery store tomorrow for holiday weekend supplies. Not sure what will get accomplished in the garden.
I had zero energy today, all I did was get some sluggo out to hopefully save my green beans.

I saw some cucumbers finally coming up.

This weekend I need to cover everything with bug netting. & fill 1 more GreenStalk that will get all the strawberry runners. That will be the last of the cooked compost.
I was going to ask for id ing this - hoping mullein
Nope, not mullein. If I had a picture of mullein on my phone, I'd add it here, but I'll have to try to remember to get a picture of it tomorrow.

Today, I got to pick out a free bouquet of yellow roses that were passing their prime. I'm not normally a cut-flower/bouquet sort of gal, but they were free, and I had heard that it is possible to root roses from bouquets. So, I did some research and decided to try. I wanted to get some rooting hormone on the way home, but the beginning of rush hour traffic on a Friday before a holiday is no time to dilly dally! I got 11 cuttings in some soil under a humidity dome, and if they root, I am going to be absolutely psyched! And absolutely confused about where the heck I'm going to put them!
Round up ready corn and soybeans are the most common GMO farm crops around me. They can spray the crops with round up and it doesn't hurt them and is supposed to kill the weeds. But the weeds are becoming resistant. The pollen, which has the chemicals in it from the crops, blows onto plants butterflies caterpillar and such feed on. It an endocrine disruptor and the caterpillar are effected. Same with fireflies larvae that lives in the ground, fertilizer and pesticides effect them.
They also spray Roundup on the crops AFTER harvest, to use as a dessicant. Traces of it are in everything we eat. I can't escape it entirely but I eat as much "natural" as I can.
Round up...what is sad is that you can do your best to make your own slice of land as chemical free as possible, but then right next door they can be spraying that crap. I have a neighbor that sprays down the entire side where our properties meet, as they put a fence in & that's how they address the weeds. Now, a new neighbor across our gravel road, has sprayed 8 acres. Of course the 80 acres that is farmed in back of my lot & down the other side is constantly sprayed with who knows what, applied by crop dusters & tractors. The owners of that land do not even reside in this state. So yeah...basically on all 4 sides, completely surrounding my little 2 acres spot, is full of chemicals, no doubt including Round up.

I have some excellent tasting well water here. It's probably tainted. Just pondering the chemicals used all over this beautiful planet, between the poisons & plastics, making our land & oceans toxic...it really is depressing.
Is this the start of watermelon? I’ve never gotten this far w them. 😊
Squash still look happy and healthy. The plants that were blown over righted themselves.
Soon to have Romas! Does anyone clip off the whole bunch and just hang in kitchen to use? I’ve seen that and wondered if true or staged for pics.
Soon to be pickling!!


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