What did your chickens do today?

Yesterday, my chickens watched me build (another) temporary house for Greenie. They watched and waited and clucked and pooped bucket-fulls - all by the fence line. lol Guess they were waiting for treats as I was so close to them. They stood there and cocked their little heads back and forth as if to say, "I'm trying to be patient here, but pass those treats on through the holes, will ya?"

So now Greenie has her own enclosure, attached to the bigger run, with chicken wire between the two. I think she likes it. Lots more room and I made her a nesting box as well.

She promptly initiated the top of the nesting box and made herself at home with a dust bath! Her head feathers are growing back nicely, but she still doesn't want much to do with me.
Mr. Roo checked her out through the wire, but she didn't seem scared that he was right there. Maybe this way she'll make some friends? With winter coming, she'll need some
"feathered friends" to keep her warm! I'll post a pic later - of her new house!

Today the chickens were busy laying eggs - we gathered 10 eggs from our 11 hens today. Wish that would happen every day!!
Yesterday, my chickens watched me build (another) temporary house for Greenie. They watched and waited and clucked and pooped bucket-fulls - all by the fence line. lol Guess they were waiting for treats as I was so close to them. They stood there and cocked their little heads back and forth as if to say, "I'm trying to be patient here, but pass those treats on through the holes, will ya?"

So now Greenie has her own enclosure, attached to the bigger run, with chicken wire between the two. I think she likes it. Lots more room and I made her a nesting box as well.

She promptly initiated the top of the nesting box and made herself at home with a dust bath! Her head feathers are growing back nicely, but she still doesn't want much to do with me.
Mr. Roo checked her out through the wire, but she didn't seem scared that he was right there. Maybe this way she'll make some friends? With winter coming, she'll need some
"feathered friends" to keep her warm! I'll post a pic later - of her new house!

Today the chickens were busy laying eggs - we gathered 10 eggs from our 11 hens today. Wish that would happen every day!!
Great news!
Haha. I really need to spread that dirt to prepare it for grass seed, but they pile into that dirt pile every day. I feel bad getting rid of it!
Its been hot here, and I think it feels cool to them. Maybe I'll throw a little in their run before I spread it.
Yes, I'm sure it is cool...they are all so funny! I love to watch them, especially when they find another play area! LOL
Here are some pictures of her new house. (Just remember I'm no carpenter! lol) You did a FINE job!!
This is Greenie with her feathers almost all grown back on her head. Oh she looks good!! Such a pretty girl!!!

Her pen from inside the regular run.

All the others are curious about her, I think. Yeah, they're probably wondering why she's got her own suite at the Ritz and they have to share a room!!

Yesterday and today, she laid an egg IN her new nest box!
Oh GOOD!! She likes it there!! I bet she likes being close to her flock again, but still out of reach from trouble & Mr Saucy Pants!!

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