What did your chickens do today?

Found out today Lucy don't like us yelling lol me n the hubby were on the sun porch arguing about something and we hear Squawk! Thump! And there's Lucy in the window. Squawk! Thump! There's Lucy in another window. She did it four times before we started laughing and she just waddles away. I bet the neighbors really think we're nuts :/ I know the landlord does.
My poor girls are all hold up in their coop today - it has been raining non stop since 9 last night and their run now has a small lake in it
, hopefully it stops and gives the water a chance to soak in so i can finally let them out!
TODAY, I trustingly let my flock out to free range while I went to work (forecast is sunny for the next week [a weird thing in Michigan]) and though "eh, what could it hurt." Ended up getting out a few hours early, and come home to a wrecked garden. I turned the soaker hoses on when I left this morning to water the garden, which sometimes forms little puddles where it takes a while to soak into the clay.

You can imagine how much the ducks LOVED that. :/ A few heads of lettuce are toast, and both the ducks and chickens picked most of the leaves off my corn.


Anyone have something that keeps them out of there? They could easily jump any sort of fencing I might have.
[COLOR=0000FF]Yesterday, I tried putting Greenie back into the run w/ the other chickens.v. Didn't go so well. She's either afraid of being in there because of the attack several weeks ago or she is terrified of Mr. Roo, which I think is the case.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]She runs away, cowers in corners, flies to the top of the coop - even hides under my feet - and she IS NOT a friendly - love - human - chicken. Then she runs away from Mr. Roo ( she can outrun, outfly him anytime) and everyone else chases her; I suppose they think she has something that they want?! [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]So I put her back in a cage, where she seems to be perfectly content and happy by herself in this small space. I don't know what to do. Can't keep her in there forever - it's not even our cage... I tried the gradual - get used to the other chickens first - and this did not work. Results were the same. She didn't act like this when we first got them all.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]So anyone have any suggestions? Anyway, that's what Greenie did yesterday. Today, she pecked, ate, pooped, ate some more, laid a green egg, and is now sleepin' in her nest box rather than on the small roost I stuck through the bars of the cage. I think she feels safe in there. She's a small hen, lays a small green egg, and quite excitable. [/COLOR]
We had a similar s sue but backwards. Mine was constantly attacking my other chicken and we separated her for about 2 weeks then reintroduced her and same result the second I put her down. I went ahead and gave her a little time and it only got worse. So I took her back out again. It has been almost a month and my husband refusing to try it again because one of the chickens ( hs favorite) was so much better off without her in the pen. All the chickens seemed much much more happy and all was good. But.. 2 days ago I found ants in her cage so I had to scrub it out again and stay it. Not safe for her. So I put her back in the pen temporarily. Not one issue!!! Still doing awesome!! Long story shrt personally I would wait a while and try again before giving up
Shes pretty. Mines flighty too and at the bottom of the pecking order, poor things so sweet too and sometimes another hen will just go outta her way to be mean. But they live together and there's no attack attacks
anytime one of my girls was separated for a week or more she had to run the pecking order gauntlet again
I'd keep trying. I stood over them for awhile nervous, them I got a super soaker squirt gun...bigvone so I could reach the run...fighting was almost non existent after a few squirts. (we're on the 2nd floor with wrap around porch, runs within shot distance so we can keep an eye out for predators)so it works, sorta like a shower to disrupt the bickering. I keep the bright yellow toy in sight lol
Thanks for the encouragement! I will wait again another week, try again, and see what happens. Would she be that afraid of Mr. Roo or might she remember that this coop/run is where the 3 chickens were killed by Something (that we don't know - it hasn't happened again).

Today she remains content in her personal space.

Other chickens had a weed feast today since I weeded the flower garden and dumped an overloaded wheelbarrow full into the middle of the run. They scratched and climbed for a short time but then seemed uninterested. Maybe the weeds were too big?
Anyway, it kept them occupied for a little while!
Our girls are loving the compost and gardens. I can't believe how helpful they are. We mainly though perks of chickens would be the eggs, but we are so happy with our RSLs sweet nature and helpfulness! Here is Juno following around in the garden.
Smart ladies!

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