what do you all do to keep your birds from being too bored all winter?what do you feed for treats?

You have to be very careful with heat lamps. The chickens' feathers are very flammable and can catch fire if they touch the heat lamp. With the heater in the cookie tin, they can't come in direct contact with the heat source.
I discovered my girls love frozen peas. Had a large bag in the freezer that was past its peak, so gave a cup of thawed peas with their evening scratch (very cold weather, so they get a snack in the evening). They went bonkers over the peas and picked them out as if they were candy (or mealworms).
Pomegranite is a delicious fruit found in lots of grocery stores this time of year. It is an interesting fruit, in that you only eat the seeds - so juicy and yummy! I have never thought to give them to the chickens, what a great idea!
what is pomegranate seeds and were do you get it?

Gil, here's more info on pomegranate- http://www.simplyrecipes.com/m/recipes/how_to_cut_and_de_seed_a_pomegranate/

It's actually not a seed the way we typically think of seeds we use for chicken treats-rather than hard/dried, these seeds are soft and juicy fruits.

It's delicious in salads, sauces for meats, or juiced. I bought one at my grocery store this week for about $3...my family ate most of it with dinner over a couple of nights, but I also treated the girls by putting the left over halves out for them to pick at.

I believe you can also buy a cup of the seeds at the grocery store in the refrigerated fruits section, but I think it's pricier that way.
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Gil, here's more info on pomegranate- http://www.simplyrecipes.com/m/recipes/how_to_cut_and_de_seed_a_pomegranate/

It's actually not a seed the way we typically think of seeds we use for chicken treats-rather than hard/dried, these seeds are soft and juicy fruits.

It's delicious in salads, sauces for meats, or juiced. I bought one at my grocery store this week for about $3...my family ate most of it with dinner over a couple of nights, but I also treated the girls by putting the left over halves out for them to pick at.

I believe you can also buy a cup of the seeds at the grocery store in the refrigerated fruits section, but I think it's pricier that way.
thank you just went to web site to see it thanks
Happy New Year's everyone--and here's the chicken fun and food for 1/1/14! Collards, worms and an overnight soaked warmed up porridge of scratch, oatmeal and rice. Needless to say their 2014 has gotten off to a great start! They shred the collards or the cabbage--I'll show pictures as it goes away . . . . .


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