What do you like most about BYC

The really knowledgeable people here for one and for another the great things you can buy here! Like my sign I just got on this thread

https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=109993 (page 12) it's the D'uccle sign.
I saw that sign last night. That is very nice and they done a great job. I may have to save some egg money and get me one made.
I just wonder if the women out number the men on here, if so

I think the women just chat a little more than the men. We just FIND things to talk about.
This is exactly how I feel. I was on BYC for over a year just learning about chickens and looking at pictures of coops, etc. Then I befriended SpeckledHen by asking her for advice, and some others by answering their PM'd questions about my coop or chickens, and it opened up a whole expanded world of BYC - real friendships. I never would have believed it.

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