What do you name your chicken(s)?...

The Poultry Peanut

lives under rock
10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
I have 7 bantams there names are: Arwan, Elrond, Faramer, Merry, Pippin,Buffie, and Frodo.
My standard breeds names are: Sunny, Sunny Jr, Buffalorpe, Friend, Paint, Momma, Cuckoo, Speckles, Stitch, Pepper, Cream, Sugar(aka "friend chick1&2), there are more but I can't name them all off the top of my head....
Okay I have a roo named Barack Obama (my kids named him ) and we HAD another roo his name was Robert C. Byrd (after the senator from WV) again, my kids watching too much campaining this year. They did not mean no disrespect, just was their favorite canidates. Then of course we have the usual hen names, Tessie, Honey, Miss Prissy, Crooked Comb, and I cant remember the rest. My kids could tell you,...Oh and we have the Phoenix's, Romeo and Juliet. My son says our rooster can say his name,...Barack!

Aren't kids grand?????
We do not name our chickens, if we have to process them it is better for the girls in my family that they not have a pet relationship mentality with them. However we do go out to the coop and sit and enjoy their antics and have a little fun. But no names it makes little sense on a farm to name animals except horses and dog's/cats.

i dont name my chickens anymore.... because everytime i have a favorite hen and name her and spoil her, SOMETHING TRAGIC always happends and she dies/is killed....
so since i have stopped naming them, nobody has died...
All of the chooks have names, named when they were just days, if not weeks old...

Roxy Road (was Rocky Road as a chick)-Austrolorp mutt standard hen
Ivory-Leghorn mutt standard hen
Warhol (Iv's sister)-Polish mutt standard hen
Woodstock-Buff Brahma bantam hen
Pipsqueak (Squeak)-BTB Jap bantam hen
Picasso-Buff Silkie bantam hen
Mary (The Turken)-Black Turken standard hen
Norma-Columbian Wyandotte standard hen
Patty Pom Pom-WCB Polish standard hen
Tosca (Patty's daughter)-Polish X Sultan half-banty hen
Dash (Patty's son)-Polish X d'Uccle half-banty roo
Napolean-Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam roo
Cae-Black Silkie bantam roo

*Fuzzy Fur Foot-White Sultan roo (died in December, but the only bird to ever die in our flock. The flock is almost two years old.)

Those are the chooks!

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