What do you want for Christmas?

Watch the 409, I used it to clean with a lot and my sense of smell is bad for a while after using it, try a steamer-just water

I just want it for kitchen/bathroom cleaning. All we can afford right now is ammonia and pinesol from the dollar store! Talk about hard on the nose! I also use vinagar and water on my floors. That doesn't bother my nose.
a Golden Feather Membership.
ray's two cents :

I would like perhaps a friend, or someone who I could spend a good holiday with.
If not, I'll settle for any amount of money. I'm trying, and failing, to save.

Come here to NC - we always have good holidays!
Guaranteed to be fun, we've got plenty of room.

I'd honestly like to spend the holidays with my family. I love my DH's family, but I haven't been with my whole family in over 20 years. I have 4 brothers, a sister, and my Mom. My family is spread across NY, TX, AZ, NV. I'm in NC. It's tough...​
Come here to NC - we always have good holidays!
Guaranteed to be fun, we've got plenty of room.

I'd honestly like to spend the holidays with my family. I love my DH's family, but I haven't been with my whole family in over 20 years. I have 4 brothers, a sister, and my Mom. My family is spread across NY, TX, AZ, NV. I'm in NC. It's tough...

He is on the other side of the globe. And I am sure if he could travel to the US he would pick California.
Come here to NC - we always have good holidays!
Guaranteed to be fun, we've got plenty of room.

I'd honestly like to spend the holidays with my family. I love my DH's family, but I haven't been with my whole family in over 20 years. I have 4 brothers, a sister, and my Mom. My family is spread across NY, TX, AZ, NV. I'm in NC. It's tough...

He is on the other side of the globe. And I am sure if he could travel to the US he would pick California.

I've been to California - when my DS & DBIL lived there, and a couple of side trips from Vegas - I think he'd choose NC if properly educated!

I know Ray lives in Austrailia, but he's still welcome here - we don't discriminate!
He is on the other side of the globe. And I am sure if he could travel to the US he would pick California.

I've been to California - when my DS & DBIL lived there, and a couple of side trips from Vegas - I think he'd choose NC if properly educated!

I know Ray lives in Austrailia, but she's still welcome here - we don't discriminate!


Thanks for that very kind offer. I've always wanted to visit the States. One day, one day.
He is on the other side of the globe. And I am sure if he could travel to the US he would pick California.

I've been to California - when my DS & DBIL lived there, and a couple of side trips from Vegas - I think he'd choose NC if properly educated!

I know Ray lives in Austrailia, but he's still welcome here - we don't discriminate!

Come to the RIGHT part of CA and we don't either.
I've been to California - when my DS & DBIL lived there, and a couple of side trips from Vegas - I think he'd choose NC if properly educated!

I know Ray lives in Austrailia, but he's still welcome here - we don't discriminate!

Come to the RIGHT part of CA and we don't either.

Sorry, Ray - my bad for calling you 'he', you're still welcome anytime.

Debiraymond, I'd love to see your part of CA, if it's San Diego or northern CA. All my experience has been the LA area. Lots of neat stuff, but not really my style. I'm a lot more country than that! Not that there's anything wrong with LA - just not me.

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