What do you "waste" money on???

DH wants to go to Florida for a week in spring to visit his sister.

I asked him if he REALLY wants to leave me alone during chick days?
I waste money on tools. I do use them sometimes though. We got rid of the chickens. Only have animals that might let us break even. Of course you can't count the horses or the dogs.
oh i would say i waste money on my boys' toys lol since they get broke in a week.
my hubby would say my outdoor critters, but only when i go to feed store.
kids would say my stove, but not when i cook them food.

video games are the entire houses weekness.
things I avoid when i have $ bestbuy, usedbook store, fabric store, seed catalogs.
Make sure you check your pots and pans. I have a single induction burner (standalone) along with my gas stove and I had to buy pans specifically to work on it. Calphalon, for example, doesn't work on induction burners. Even the "stainless steel" ones, because they use aluminum in the base. Just didn't want you to get surprised like I did.
We waste money on books. And gadgets. DH wastes money on cigarettes.

I figure, as long as my chickens cost less per year than his cigarettes, it's not too much. And so far, I win. Especially going forward - now that I've got the hardscape work outta the way.
Dh smokes, so to me that is money wasted, and I LOVE my animals and took a second job so I could have the good hay and good seed for my inside birds . . .lost two inside dogs within a week of each other and the ferret (not a good week, DS is still heartbroken over Frank the Pug that was stolen or killed by another dog, we can't find him anywhere) so that food bill just decreased dramatically . . .but my cousin, the vet tech said it best. "I cannot imagine my life without animals" and I agree. Whatever I spend on my critters is MY business and I let new clothes and fancy stuff like that go so I can get better feed for them . . .and its what I want to do, so do not feel like i am cheated out of anything . . .I am working on becoming more and more self sufficient food wise which will help immensely in the spending dept. I get mad when I grocery shop now, more than ever, and i am a HUGE couponer, so still save at least $75 once a month, but want to get it up much higher. . .everyone wastes money on something, and we all have different opinions as to what we think is foolish spending, but the way this world is right now, I think whatever gives us joy is ok, as long as its legal!!!!
DH and I were doing very well not wasting money and actually saving, but had a Laps last week. I bought $100 incubator, $40 eggs, 2 fishing Lisences totalling $84, and he bought a fitness game for PS3 $60 and Windows 7 for our computer $35. Now I feel horribly guilty....
eating out

drive thru coffee

My pets are family so I dont consider feeding them a waste

clothes is a huge one.. I will buy something wear it once and never touch it again .. my daughter is the same

junk food like chips and soda, cakes and sweets at home that I could make

Gas for the car... I HATE getting into a cold car... so I warm up my car really well in the morning... (dont get on me about the environment I drive 10 minutes to work the car will not heat up enough to defrost the windows in that time so its a safety thing too)

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