What DON'T chickens like to eat?

Yup, it just depends on the chicken. Mine will eat most anything offered, They especially love when I use the hoe in their run area turning over the dirt to expose worms. They act like it's Christmas, all except my buff Opringtons, They turn their beaks up to worms. They will not eat a worm! The Orpingtons seem to be the most picky eaters.
Sooo excited about the scorpion eating! We have those everywhere! My girls weren't too thrilled with apple peels, but I think they were just waiting to see if I tossed out something better.. they ate them eventually. Mine love strawberries.. The tops anyway..
I tossed out some corn again today, I think they must have eventually have eaten the corn from yesterday, as I'm not seeing it anywhere. Also tossed out some green bell pepper, they tossed it around a little didn't seem too impressed!
Mine als did not like bell pepper...

Or BOSS. I have seen people rave about black oil sunflower seeds so I went out to get some. They just look at it and move on. What??? Lol. Sometimes I make them scrambled eggs. I know, I spoil them. I put flax seed and crushed egg shell in the egg. They LOVE it! I think just like people, chickens have their preferences. But none seem to like bell pepper or anything hard (like carrot, pumpkin rind, etc.).
Mine do not like yogurt and they were petrified of the cabbage head. When they got used to it they just tore it apart but did not eat it. They also do not like dried corn, but love fresh corn still on the cob. Their favorites are meal worms, collards, sunflower seeds and marigolds. They also love the ACV water and will guzzle it.

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