What farm animal would you suggest?

I don't think the cold really limits you, we live in interior Alaska where it reaches -45 or less...

we have sheep, pigs, chickens, geese, ducks, guniea fowl, turkeys, goats.

I have all types from Silkies to buffs, my sheep are shetland sheep a super hardy breed that is a wild type almost, they are from the latitude line 65 so they require little in shelter, pigs doign fine as long as he has hay/straw to burrow in. My goat is an Angora, and he does fine too.

Budget, fencing the goat in was our most expensive investment, and how much time you want to spend outside when it is -45. I like the cold, and am at my best during those super low temps, but not everyone (even up here) is like that. These are your limiting factors.

if you need help let me know


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