What gender is this 12 week old chick?

Apr 17, 2022
Yesterday I made a post about my chicks but I posted some very bad pictures of them so I got some new photos a of the two chicks I don’t know what gender they are

The first chick is the black chick and in the second photo it is the grey chick who is giving me a side eye

The first chick is the black chick and in the second photo it is the grey chick who is giving me a side eye
Both appear to be pullets at the stated age, according to my experience and their comb/wattle color and development. Gender specific saddle feathers will just be starting to show around this age, and I'm not seeing any pointy ones there on the two specific birds in question. (I might see them on the white bird)

The correct color term for the "grey" pullet is actually blue, one of my favorites. Cute bird! :love

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