What gender is this chicken?


5 Years
Apr 27, 2017
Pembroke, Georgia, USA
My Coop
My Coop
I would appreciate any help sexing this chicken. This chick is approximately 14 weeks old give or take 2 weeks. I originally thought it was a hen, but today my children heard it "crow like a rooster." 5 weeks ago we acquired a flock of 1-day-old chicks. Before this, our chicken was alone except for three dogs. This chicken has always mixed very well with our cats and dogs. It dominates the cats and hangs with the dogs during the day in the bushes by our house to keep cool during the day, as it is close to the 90F's now. It is very comfortable with our dogs. 3 weeks ago started keeping our chicks outside during the day in a fenced area of our back yard. Since then the 14-week-old has started "talking". Not until today did it make a sound like a rooster crowing. The spurs are hardly visible, but the back feathers are pointy. I am so confused.
How can you tell? Why are the spurs so small? Thanks for your help. I am not sorry at all, we adore him. He has really become one of our favorite pets, but I am shocked. When we first found him on our doorstep (we live in the country), my thought was that someone was dumping off a rooster, so my kids named him "Birb" after a video game character. The very male-sounding name stuck, but later I thought he was a female, because he just didn't look like a rooster to me, but I have never had any experience with chickens.
I only said I'm sorry coz most people don't like roos :(
the comb and wattles are really red and big, that usually means male....im glad you are keeping him! I love roos! sorry i presumed you were not keeping it lol
The comb and tail along with stance. Crowing is also a good indication you have a male. The Spurs may not be fully developed til 8 months of age. Alot of people can't or don't keep roos. I'm happy he is a good boy and you can keep him.
100% cockerel -- that color pattern is unique to males. At 14 weeks he is just hitting the point at which certain gender characteristics such as the male saddle/hackle feathering will really bloom and the spurs may or may not come, but are not generally that noticeable at this point.
I only said I'm sorry coz most people don't like roos :(
the comb and wattles are really red and big, that usually means male....im glad you are keeping him! I love roos! sorry i presumed you were not keeping it lol

I understand :)...That is exactly the way that I took it. It sounds from your post that you like roos, too, since you commented on his beauty, and I wanted to let you know that we are kindred spirits. As it turns out Birb is more like a pet, and we enjoy his personality. It makes so much sense now that I found out he is a rooster. It just fits, so I was actually happy to find that out, because since he is my first experience with any chicken, I really had no clue. I have to say, I just love this whole chicken experience, and I want to experience all of it.:frow

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