What happens when you read too fast!

I was never taught speed reading but I do tend to read fast and mix stuff up. Its funny what I think I see sometimes!
Even when I read slow I tend to read two lines at once. It is very confuzzling! My teachers always think I need glasses because I always have my face about an inch from the paper and my finger tracing the lines. It's the only way!

And also I read like a paragraph or even a page or two and realize I had no idea what was going on. I just kind of look at the words. I have to read books like twice because I do that so often!
I read fast and it has caused some trouble...lol

my friend, her dog just had puppies, On her FB status she wrote "Let the baking begin"... I asked... have the puppies started barking already?.

she starts LOL @ me cause she thought I was talking about baking barking puppies...
yeah a lil confusion
That was the thing about this class. As well as I remember I was put into the class because of my score on some test. In the class we worked independently, read a certain amount (on a machine), and then were tested for comprehension. Once you scored a certain grade on the comprehension tests, the speed was bumped up.
I can read a Dean Koontz novel in about two to three hours and comprehend it just fine. I don't enjoy it though because there is no time to get lost in the book. I've tried to slow myself down over the years; doesn't work.

I don't recall all the details about high school, but ummm...it was the 70s and I had more enjoyable things to do in high school than learn.
WHOA... that sounds so much like me it's scary! It takes me no time, compared to DH, to read a book... but he remembers every teensy detail... even from 3rd grade books... while I remember them once I summon/start reading it again... it's like I've got two filing systems... the front room... cabinets, used daily... then the storage closet that has all the cold storage files... most of what I read, fiction wise anyways, is tucked into the cold storage... while things like recipes are filed in the front... least that's how I think of it. And that's one reason that we're overrun with books... takes so little time to read them... but then I don't ever get rid of any because I can totally reread them later... 1 month... 5 years... and while I remember I can still enjoy it because I don't remember all the details...

That's not speedreading... isn't that where you just look at the whole page and blam it's stuck? I have to go line by line... I just do it quickly is all.
I have to read things twice most times cause either I read it and sort of vegged will doing so or I just misunderstand what I have read. But I have a lousy attention span. I envy people who can read a whole book with in a decent amount of time. I read five pages come back to it in a week , read another page. I think I'm a goldfish.

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