What have you done for your chickens today?

Remember back in November when I said I had some hardware cloth to put on my coop tomorrow? Well tomorrow was yesterday and what I believed to be a simple job was anything but. I forgot how I tend to over build things. Some of the screws near the ground had rusted and were not going to come out willingly. It was kinda tight back there so I used a pair of lineman pliers to grab hold and rip at it. I was a little surprised at how easy it was to rip and tear away that chicken wire. Any predator with any ambition at all could have chewed their way in there in a few minutes. Now let me be clear about this, it is easy to tear a good sized hole in chicken wire, but not easy to completely remove the stuff. I must have spent five hours or more working at getting that crap removed. I had to stop 'cause it got dark and the girls wanted to go perch in their coop.

The good news is that the roll of left-over hardware cloth I got is 10 inches longer then the perimeter of my run minus the door and the height is perfect. I don't know the gauge, but it is very heavy duty. Cutting off that last 10 inches might take awhile. I should have it finished by this afternoon.
BTW...LOVE this post!!! It's been hovering around 0 degrees for weeks. EVERY morning; hot bowl of oatmeal, yogurt and banana mixture, they love it. And of course, the usual feed for laying. Heat lamps as needed below 0. Laying is picking up. Love my chickies!!!!
Drug a pick-up bed liner up the hill to the garage so my babies can have a larger brooder.( 100+ babies on 2 20 x 48 shelves just doesn't do it)

Didn't get it in the garage yet though...between the wind, cold and huge snow drift outside the garage door, it's gonna take two of us to do it. GRRRRrrrrr! I just HATE asking for help!

Waiting for the DH and Granddaughter to wake up so I can get him to help me. What I'm gonna do with a 2 year old while we do it? Good question!
yogurt with granola on top as a morning treat, gave them some loving and cuddles, cleaned their poop from under roost, changed their water and gave whole wheat pasta in the afternoon.
We made the girls nice hot oatmeal (5 degrees outside) and threw in BOSS, sprouts and seeds. YUM> We are also raising mealworms for them, but did not give any today. They inhaled the treats very quickly.
Made them a suet of olive oil, layer feed, corn, BOSS, sprouted peas, raw sweet potato, and dried mealworms.
Finished the new bigger brooder for my 106 babies.
Took an old pick-up bed liner, set it up on wooden crates in the garage.
wired and taped old aluminum tent poles and made a canopy frame over it.
Draped old bed sheets around it, and Voila! Instant brooder!!!

The babies LOVED it!... they had room to move and fly!!! 13 day old babies HAPPY!!!!
bought them an acorn squash and a spaghetti squash and took them out and smashed the open so they could have something to peck at. I also took out some veggie scraps and dry cereal and bread heels for them to eat.

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