What Have You Learned About Poultry Since Joining BYC?

I have learned that I still have no friggin idea how alot of you can distinguish sex with so much confidence. I've researched and researched and when i feel a little confident i know what to look for, bam. Still don't have a clue, lol. I think pullet, yall say cockerel. I think cockerel, yall say pullet. I'm fully convinced you guys have special powers or there's some kind of sorcery/physic stuff going on here. 🤣🤣🤣 Learn me!!
When I bought my first chicks, it turned out how little I actually knew about chickens. even though my mother had chickens, my knowledge went no further than knowing which weeds they like best and how to collect eggs.
Shortly after I bought my first 6 week old chicks some of them suddenly died and it turned out that I had more roosters than hens (with exchange guarantee if there were no hens) I started reading a lot and learned a lot on a chicken forum and some websites in the Netherlands and Belgium. How little had I learned as a child. How grateful I was that there was so much information available on the Internet.

When I started looking further I found BYC. How great. So many good articles to learn from. The first years I was not active here because of the differences and the language barrier. When I had questions, I got very good and nuanced answers here even though my English is not very good. Finally I said goodbye to the Dutch forum because of the intolerance and hatefulness of a few people there. Not a place for good laugh either.

All in all, I learned and laughed countlessly here. What exactly I learned here or elsewhere I don’t recall. There are so many things I have learned here worth knowing.
What comes to mind. :
  • The first thread on BYC that really made me laugh was the bathroom -fodder story of @gtaus .
  • I definitely learned to read and write better English here. There is only one thing I’m still struggling with : the abbreviations many of you use for chicken breeds and such.
  • I have learned that all chickens are individuals, each with its own character and behaviour. But they all love mealworms.
  • Climate and weather are important factors to keep in mind if you build a coop.
  • In the US you seem to be at odds with your neighbors quit often when it comes to chickens
  • If I want to let a broody brood quietly, I need more space than a standard pen and run.
  • BYC as a forum for chickens/poultry and other animals can also be a forum to laugh and where everyone can 'lay their own egg' (Dutch proverb)
Thanks @Ridgerunner , @aart , @rosemarythyme and all the others (too many to name them all) who have given me great advice over the years.
Thanks moderators for all the support and fun contests and especially @Nifty-Chicken for maintaining and improving the website.
I learned how to reverse google search an image.

but on a more serious note, i also learned the importance of breeds, how to properly diagnose, TONS of chicken lingo, and i learned all about this great community!
Up until 2 days ago I didn't know how to google reverse search an image...
Just wanted to add, something mind-blowing I learned the other day is, "Leghorn" isn't pronounced "Leg-horn" but actually like "Leggern." Foghorn Leghorn has lied to you your whole life.

Also (not recent, but something I learned and will hold onto forever) "Marans" is french and is spelled "Marans" with an 's' whether it is singular or plural. Same with "Faverolles."
see?? I'm learning things right now!
I've learned a lot about chicken illnesses or injuries. It's something I never want to just research on its own, but I've gotten a lot of info from looking at random posts of someone asking what's wrong with their chicken.

I've also learned that people keep chickens in lots of different ways. Looking at other people's experiences helps me to get out of my perfectionist mindset! :thumbsup

Small edit: Reworded a sentence
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Pretty much everything I know about poultry is thanks to the members of BYC. This site has become a vital part of my daily life. The members are so kind with sharing their time and knowledge. Not a day goes by where I am not in awe of the incredible members here. There are no words to express how grateful I am for the members of BYC. I hope to be able to help someone like I have been helped countless times here.

Sorry I know this probably isn't what you're looking for.
That I really need a notebook. It really seems like there is more to know than I can store in my head.

Isn't that the truth!?

I have learned so much from everyone's posts and everyone has been so patient with me! Especially @3KillerBs and @rosemarythyme. My friends and family all think I've become a crazy chicken lady - they're not wrong. I love my chickens and laugh at them daily. Sometimes this is the only place I can discuss chickens with anyone else without getting laughed at like a crazy person.

This site is the first site I come to when looking for information. I'm not kidding when I say I've searched almost everything about chickens -- stopping short of why do chickens have feathers? I saw this forum when looking for more information about oyster shells.

Probably the most important thing I learned from this site is the requirements for a coop and run -- the amount of ventilation and space. Making sure the run is tall enough for me to walk inside of.

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