What Heater Watt For Waterer!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
I am going to use the bucket watering system with nipples for all my chickens. I live in PA, and we get well below 0*F for several days at a time. I was thinking of using an aquarium water heater for the buckets along with the Thermocube to keep the water from freezing. My only question is, what watt of aquarium water heater would I need?

Thank you in advance.
Agree see the ten or so posts I've made about these. Simply put the thermostats on aquarium heaters are not made for this kind of thing.
Thank you for your responses. Do those have a long enough cord to be submersed into a 5 gallon bucket?
I read info. on a few and the cords seem to be very short so I worry about safety.
I think I will try to go a different route. I already have 2 water heaters that I can place the buckets on that I used last winter. They worked perfect, and we never had frozen water. I just need to figure out how to run the water line off the side of the bucket. If I can use pvc I will. If I need to use a hose from the bucket to the pvc line I can do that too. Being female and not having the knowledge of what to look for to use has me confused.

Thank you
We made them using the christmas cookie tin cans. There were directions from someone on this site.
I showed it to hubby and he was able to make them. He knows how to do that kind of wiring. He used
the cords from 2 broken lamps that we had and we put 40 watt light bulbs in them. I will search for
them, and if I find them I will put a link here when I do.

ETA: Her is the link to pics https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=107951
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