What in the world is wrong with me?

My Granny had three kids, one of them was 10 lbs with no epidural and no C section. All that to say, she also had a kidney stone pass and she said that was way worse than child birth.

Now, every person has pain differently and you are sure entitled to an epidural. I had three kids and would have not made it without them. These helped me to get a handle on the pain and continue to focus and keep up with the breathing during the bad parts. You should not feel bad about taking the drugs. I think childbirth is no time for Martyrs. You need your strengh after to stay up nights. Also, you sure have a right to get a little short or grumpy. I sure don't see men lineing up to have babies. It is darn hard and long to for most people. You just get exausted and after 10 hours of pain, who knows what will fly out of your mouth. Don't feel bad. Take care.
well...i know i cant handle pain and i think the less stress my body's under the better the birth which is 2 good reasons for the epidural....mostly cuz if im relaxed my body can do what its ment to! but thanks for that...atleast i can take that knowledge with me when i go in....ill be more considerate of his feelings cuz atleast he has a good idea of what it could be like....he was great then! its only now hes "mentioning" how embarrassing it was cuz "its not as bad as a stone" ill listen to him more though so thanks! really helped...as for the birth...
The onset of diabetes will make you pee gallons and not feel good. You should really go have some tests done to find out. Don't play doctor with your life. It's not worth it. Don't wait too long.
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Husband had a kidney stone a few months after our first was born.

I confess a sick satisfaction in standing over him in the ER saying:

"breathe, honey, breathe. Slow deep breaths..."
Ummm, I don't think I'd tell the DH that the kidney stone is worse. You are popping a watermelon out. Plus, the kidney stones don't scream, poop or throw up on you. That would counterbalance any pain he felt versus you. Annnnddddd... it wasn't half your fault he had the kidney stone and it is half his fault that you are pushing out the watermelon.
Yikkes that must be painful...kidney stones. It words even sound painful. I only mentioned diabetes because I read that somewhere on the onset peeing gallons was common and it sometimes has a fruity smell. I think I might have read that back in my cna years. The old brain gets things confused sometimes though.

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