What is normal cockerel behavior?

newbie donna

In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
SW Missouri
I have 4 barred rock roos and 10 Columbian Wyandottes. I know the barred rocks are roos but I'm not sure which one of the Wyandottes is the male. I've noticed one of the Wyandottes seeming to challenge the Barred Rock. They come running towards each other, then stop, do a really machismo stance with their chests out and their wings back, puff out their feathers making them look twice as big. Sometimes they will kinda flog each other but, no one is ever hurt. Is this one particular Wyandotte chick's behavior consistant with a roo or is it just a thing that all chicks do regardless of gender? I really adore all my roos and want to keep them all. What are the chances that they will learn to live in peace? If not, when will I need to separate them? (please, please, please tell me they will all get along!

Although my Wyandottes seem to be feathering out a bit faster than the barred rock, they seem to be very slow at getting their combs. Is this common for this breed?
I read somewhere that in the absence of a Roo some hens will start acting a lot like one. The whole show off thing could still be a female. I also read where a hen was actually trying to crow. I would still consider a crow a pretty solid vote for the bird being a Roo though. I have also noticed in my few male chicks that they are just generally more courageous and tend to be the first to check out new things etc. I can just look at my chicks int eh first few days and make a fairly good guess at which are male and which are female. It's hard to explain but they just act "Different".
All my chicks do this, regardless of gender. Some do it more than others, and it isn't always the boys, either.

I don't know anything about that particular breed and whether you can likely keep roosters of that breed together, sorry. Remember, though, that a lot depends on the individual personalities of your birds. You'll just have to wait and see how things develop.
I got 5 chicks last january and three of them are roos. (Bantams) the Roos challenge each other and fight but not visiously. They are all after the pullets. Sometimes they chase each other but no damage so far and they seem to get along pretty well. I think strange roos would be more territorial than roos who were raised together.

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