What is one thing you want to do before you die?

not to mention depressing. you’d live to see everyone you know and love pass away.
True dat. My husband's grandmother lived to be 94. She buried 2 husbands and a few boyfriends. She kept asking if God forgot about her
if no one ever died, society would collapse.

the population would balloon out of control and pretty quickly resource shortages would lead to war, famine, and every other bad outcome you could imagine
Deep thinker you are tonight
They have good balloon rallies in Albuquerque, NM and also in Farmington, NM. I think Farmington's is usually over the Memorial Day weekend. They do a Dip n Dash at Farmington Lake, always fun!
Actually - The one in Albuquerque is actually better ... but the Arizona Balloon Festival is coming up, shortly (early Feb, 2023) so if you need a hot air "fix," Thar She Blows! 🎈
If everyone was immortal.
I suppose if this includes “Eternal youth” as well, given that, even if you could not die of old age, your body would deteriorate as such that you would not be able to move (theoretically), sounds like a pretty miserable existence to me, not including the spiritual repercussions of it.
And remember, Folks. The OP's question was "What is one thing you want to do before you die?" not "If you could have one wish what would it be?" Where are all of the great Bucket List suggestions? I've got my pencil and paper ready ...
Pretty sure most people answered with bucket list items

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