What is the chicken saying?

what are these chicken thinking?
Baggie Pants is sad again. Hey all of us girls are going over to cheer him up. Hey I want your attention right now.
Of course. " Where did you take our mommy? " " I'll crow if I want to crow thank you very much! " " I've been sitting here for 3 weeks so for goodness sake hatch! " Silver one - " We're here! At our holiday home! " Black one - " Aka, We're lost " Silver one - " I suppose you could called it that " " That's odd... Where'd my chicks go? " " Honestly, Why do people expect us chickens to pose for photos these days? " " Mommy, Give me a chickie back ride! " " Hmmm. I really really really don't like you. You forgot my corn at noon yesterday " ",I will break free! I say I will break free from this run one day! "
Thanks for the pics. I like doing this!

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