What is this feather color pattern called?


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
East Tennessee
I have a 16 week old Easter Egger that is Reddish brown and grey/lavender. Is there a "proper" term for her speckled/striped color pattern? What do you think her parents might have been?

The ladies have all Harry Potter names and hers is (you guessed it!) Lavender Brown :plbb

1051413237727401508-account_id=1.jpg (Note* she does have a small splotch of Blukote on the base of her tail where she was pecked at about 5 weeks ago,but the light purple she comes by naturally :love)
You should contact "nicalandia" on byc .that's Marvin. he's a color genetics expert .he can tell you what that is. Karen
She was sold as an Ameracauna, but I assumed she was just an Easter egger since farms say that a lot...lol Maybe she actually is, since they can have slate blue legs. Here's a picture of her face.
Wow! Really close and So pretty!!! So back to my original question, dose anyone know what the coloring/pattern is called. Like barred, or laced or whatever? I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about when I describe her!

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