What is this noise for,why do my roosters do it?


Sep 25, 2015
I have two roosters who are related,Father and son.I had two of the brothers,so it would have been 3 sons,1 father.

My alpha rooster,the father a few years ago when he started mating makes this odd grunt after a successful mate. No other roosters I have or have had make this sound after mating.But,just wait,all 3 sons did this as well,why?

I believe it is inherited. I think it is only when they successfully mate,because if they are in not a good position on hen and do not touch tails tightly,they do not make the noise,only when tails touch,or I guess clocas.

any ideas why they make this grunting type sound?
My rooster does it too. what type of rooster do you have? I have a year and two month old Columbian Rock.
My rooster is a New Hampshire red,his son is a BSL.The other were mix breeds,one may have been pure NH but im unsure.

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