What is this? Should I be concerned?


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
Le Roy, NY
We have a lot of red tailed hawks around here, but I have never seen this bird before yesterday. These are the best pics I could get with my crappy camera. any ideas? I did just let the chickens out of the covered portion of thier runs yesterday, but only when I am here to monitor. I usually shoot 1st and ask questions later, but I am taking a new approach since my chickens are confined well these days. When my DH and I saw the bird yesterday we thought it was a small turkey at 1st. It just seems to walk around by the pond and occaisionally fly. Huge windgspan and would likely stand up to my knees (5'4" I am )



That's interesting - it sure has a long tail...do turkey vultures have tails that long? And - I thought they were black, this is red. I dunno, but it's interesting! I'm glad your'e taking a new approach.....anxious to hear what this is!
I have seen turkey vultures and they usually have naked necks I thought.? This has a feathered neck, all 1 color (like a real dark brown-blackish). k, what's a carrion?
that makes sense....my dog found a deer leg in the woods, brought it back to the house yesterday mornin. When I went to leave for work it was still in the yard and I was worried that it would attract some unwanted creatures like coyote or something. I threw it away last night. I bet it saw the leg or where my dog found that leg in the 1st place. thanks all!

so no worries for my chooks! yay, finally something that doesn't want to eat my chickens!
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